Sentences with phrase «conspiracy theorists»

The phrase "conspiracy theorists" refers to people who believe in and spread ideas about secretive, harmful, or hidden plans or actions by powerful individuals or groups. They often question official explanations and are suspicious of widely accepted beliefs and events. Full definition
The headline is misleading and throws fuel on the fire for conspiracy theorists who won't notice or understand that it's a metaphor.
It's a slight but solid bit of filmmaking that fuels the fires of conspiracy theorists while keeping the audience second - guessing about the motives of its eponymous protagonist.
So, the home secretary should be careful about branding those who think the surveillance state has gone too far as conspiracy theorists — or perhaps she was talking about the prime minister?
The idea that a people would fund or in any way reward terror does indeed seem like a concept so outrageous that it must have been cooked up by conspiracy theorists.
Instead, as countless internet conspiracy theorists have pointed out, both the daughter and father appear to be out of critical condition.
I have been going through all the files today and I hate to disappoint but it just ain't the scandal climate conspiracy theorists want it to be.
First off, it gives conspiracy theorists a bum rap.
Interesting to watch the psychological dynamic at play among a crowd not much different from your standard conspiracy theorists (i.e. moon landing «skeptics»).
No doubt conspiracy theorists will have their views on that, too.
The dark silence of conspiracy theorists was replaced with something resembling pity.
The world can seem like a lonely place for conspiracy theorists, he says.
The only real hoax here is that van der Linden is throwing global warming skeptics under the bus with conspiracy theorists who believe that nasa faked the moon landing, the government holds aliens hostage in Area 51, and the Boston Marathon bombings were an inside job.
He also appeared on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones» program.
It would be like putting a flat earth & fake moon landing conspiracy theorist on our NASA congressional budget commitee...
Over the next fifteen years, he becomes a paranoid conspiracy theorist who believes there is moreRead More →
Other right - wing conspiracy theorists falsely claimed the shooting was a staged «false flag» operation, and that the student organizers were secretly being led by «left wing gun control activists,» the Miami Herald reported.
There are also some fun roles for some idiosyncratic people they meet along the way, from a trip of game hunters who get involved in the chase, to a young girl and her father who get involved in trying to help Ricky, and a zany turn from Rhys Davies as a hermitic and completely off - his - rocker conspiracy theorist convinced the world is out to get him.
There are a lot of lingering questions we have here: firstly, not to be overly Conspiracy Theorist about this, but if you are being invited to a special advance screening of a buzzy movie directly across from the Oscars during the Oscars — and one hosted by a famously prank - happy host, no less — you probably know something is going to be up, right?!
Tarr and other students like Emma Gonzalez (the senior with the shaved head) and David Hogg (targeted by conspiracy theorists because his father once worked for the FBI) have, virtually on their own, turned what could have become another impotent «thoughts and prayers» response to a massacre into a national movement to transform the nation's gun laws.
When it comes to Agenda 21, the paranoia and conspiracy theorists just muddy the waters on sustainability, which basically is an effort to develop responsibly while maintaining the world's beauty, which we've got plenty of here in the mountains... As a friend said to me, «if not sustainability, do you want unsustainability?»
The app contains videos by conspiracy theorist David Icke, who claims the world is ruled by reptile - human hybrids.
Conspiracy theorists say the clip is proof that Hogg shows up in media appearances as a paid actor.
Don't get me wrong, you folks almost always have answers, just like any good conspiracy theorist always has an answer for any objections to this theory.
This led a collective of online conspiracy theorists to posit that these weren't school shooting survivors at all, but rather «crisis actors» paid off by George Soros as part of some sort of elaborate plot to disarm America.
An expansive network of Russian social media bots has zeroed in on David Hogg, a Florida school shooting survivor who's been the target of far - right conspiracy theorists in recent days.
If wacko conspiracy theorists mark up their favorite cases, it will be worthless.
A crazed conspiracy theorist goes on a rampage attacking prominent symbolic targets and creating fear across the country.
And the issue seems to be something much graver than a small group of conspiracy theorists shouting while covering their ears.
In the bizarre video, Pai tried to downplay concerns about his hugely unpopular net neutrality repeal, playfully dancing with a Pizzagate conspiracy theorist while insisting that nothing bad could possibly happen by dismantling oversight over some of the least - liked, least - competitive duopolies in America.
That's why all bettors (except perhaps the most ardent conspiracy theorists) should be laying off this bet.
He warned that Twitter trolls and Facebook abuse was poisoning political debate, saying: «If mainstream politicians and journalists start to behave like Twitter trolls and conspiracy theorists then democracy is in danger.»
Iran deal opposition: Next time some anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist tries telling you about the nefarious influence the American Israel Public Affairs Committee — better known as AIPAC — supposedly wields in Washington, remind them of its pitiful failure to stop the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran.
Every angle gets its moment (and sometimes it seems like little more than a moment), from Matt Damon's grieving husband and frightened father to Laurence Fishburne's seasoned CDC coordinator to Kate Winslet's professional but deeply sympathetic field agent to Marion Cotillard's WHO investigator to Jude Law's conspiracy theorist blogger to Gwyneth Paltrow's unsuspecting viral carrier to Jennifer Ehle's brilliant scientist, and more.
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