Sentences with phrase «constant balance»

It's a delicate and constant balance between comfortable and fancy.
Charter authorizing is complex work, requiring constant balancing of diverse and often competing interests.
Blizzard is known for releasing constant balance patches for their many competitive online games, something that has to be done to ensure an online game stays fair and without exploits.
Also known as the hydrologic cycle, the water cycle describes the process by which the various forms of water move about the planet in a fairly constant balance.
The doodles help clarify the brainstorming process, Parker says, one that's a constant balance between what design wants and what business needs.
So, it's a constant balancing act.
So, it's really great to use the scalable techniques of Indiegogo, as well as the curation capabilities of MicroVentures to bring this all to bear and to First Democracy VC, which is a constant balancing act because we only want to present the deals that we think have been filtered well to be presented, but we also want it to be as scalable as possible, and to have as many deals as possible, because the goal is to democratize the opportunities.
How has it happened that, faced by this constant balance between physical plurality and psychic unity, we have been so slow to grasp the possibility of a physical link of causality connecting them?
It is a constant balancing act.
Working a secular job does present challenges to the pastor's time, priorities, and the constant balance of ministry and work.
There is no perfect formula [for maintaining] a constant balance.
Whether it manifests in tantrums, or anger, or self - worth issues in our kids, it is a constant balancing act to know what to do in the face of such an enormous emotional surge: step back and let it happen, guide through the resistance, or try to make everything better?
There is a constant balancing of emotions during and after a pregnancy after loss, the the cycle of grief changes and evolves with a new baby.
But to remain in office through the longest period of minority government in Canadian history, Mr Harper had to engage in a constant balancing act.
Organisms live under a constant balance between getting and using energy.
This includes eating well and in moderation (no junk food binges, but no obsessing about green smoothies either), keeping your energy flowing with physical exercise and good posture (stop slumping on the couch), breathing deeply, and remembering that constant balance in the body brings balance back to the mind, no matter what happens in life.
Your digestive system performs a constant balancing act.
Training should involve a constant balancing act between doing and undoing.
Oxidative stress describes the state of the body in which the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), including free radicals, overwhelms the body's antioxidant defences.Our body tries to maintain a constant balance between free radicals and antioxidants.
Our body strives to keep a constant balance of water.
Its a constant balancing act to ensure that blood sugar numbers stay within the target range.
The constant balancing of the weight will help your stabilizing muscles develop, helping to protect and strengthen key areas.
It's this constant balancing act that makes the British designer's Chloe aesthetic so appealing: just when things are getting a bit diaphanous, she throws in a military - hued, multi-pocket romper suit.
Clearing out the physical clutter helps to organize the mental clutter we create for ourselves by providing a space — both physical and mental — for our tasks to rest instead of performing a constant balancing act in our minds.
It's a constant balancing act from when we were writing it to shooting it.
Yes, it's a constant balance.
The life of an average indie author is a constant balancing act as you choose between your book publishing dreams and your personal reality.
We perform a constant balancing act between fear of lost sales over a high price and wondering if a low price de-values the book for readers.
Chess is a constant balancing act of effective offense and risk management.
Specific portfolios: Constant Balances: CBR20T1 is identical to ZBR20T1 except that its balance at Year 15 equals its initial balance (plus inflation).
If you've # 1,000 on a credit card at 20 % it costs # 200 a year, assuming a constant balance.
DriverUp: It's a constant balancing act to get credit, collateral and pricing right in a competitive marketplace such as auto lending.
It is a constant balancing act to find t he right mix for the right toy for your dog.
This constant balancing act ensures that there is always something for you to do, rarely allowing you to simply sit and watch the money roll in.
Levels are a constant balance of staying close together but giving each other distance (just like a real relationship!).
This means every battle is a constant balancing act between attack and defence, with each member of your team equipped with different abilities.
This includes thinking about your community, low level programming, and constant balancing and refinement of the game.
The car's odd bounciness and the treacherous terrain forced you into a constant balancing act to make sure your nose was always level with your rear.
A key appeal of the game is its taut fuel system: you need the stuff both to fly and to recharge your shields, so there's a constant balance going on as it slowly runs down.
The multiplayer is a constant balancing act between using the motion tracker and keeping your weapon ready.
They are part of the Toy Box experience and the Toy Box feels incomplete without them, and there's a constant balancing act at work between elation and frustration when unable to find a particular item and eventually scoring it.
«In a garden, there is a constant balance between design and nature.
The constant balancing throughout the creative process evolves designs that are interconnected and carry a timeless essence.
The painting Jubah Barabas # 01 (Barabas» Robe # 01)(2008) exemplifies this constant balancing act, featuring abstract, intertwined figures, in which elements of light and darkness are inextricably linked to one another.
Often in flux between maximal and minimal, Duncan's work is a constant balancing act of positive or negative, loud or quite, solitary or participatory and tends to lead towards questions regarding perception, experience and transcendence.
The Occasional Geometries series is about organization, the way streets organize themselves for instance ñ the parallels of the streets, pavements, parked cars,... with a constant balance between rigidity and vitality, order and disorder.
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