Sentences with phrase «constant diarrhea»

"Constant diarrhea" refers to the condition of having frequent, watery bowel movements. It means that a person is experiencing continuous and uncontrollable emptying of their bowels, often resulting in frequent trips to the bathroom. Full definition
So if your cat is suffering from constant diarrhea from poor digestion, there is a solution — specialized cat food.
I no longer battle constant diarrhea and vomiting nor do I wake up at 3 am every morning reaching for the Tums because of reflux.
This also promotes the «wet» appearance of the tail, as constant diarrhea forms a matted, dirty and wet area around a hamster's tail.
After being able to have cows milk her self (yoghurt etc) at two she had constant diarrhea, followed by bloody stools, which the first hospital i was sent to thought i was crazy saying it was possibly milk even though i had kept a diary of foods.
With the uncontrolled shaking, the non-stop crying and the constant diarrhea, put bluntly, according to a study done by the Journal of the American Medical Association, it's estimated that one baby per - hour us born addicted to hydrocodone and other prescription painkillers.
Besides feeling like your sugars are always low, constant diarrhea, and stomach upset, this drug can hurt your organs, mainly your pancreas!
Underlying Condition — Constant diarrhea can indicate a more severe condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, and diabetes.
Weight loss, poor appetite, fever, pale gums, inflamed gums, mouth sores, eye conditions, excessive thirst, excessive urination, breathing difficulties, skin infections, poor coat condition, constant diarrhea, constipation, seizures, abortion of kittens.
If your pup or adult has intermittent to constant diarrhea, with or without blood, and does not respond to treatments for the more common disorders, this disease may be the cause.
Due to the extreme dehydration that occurs with the constant diarrhea, a hamster's eyes may appear sunken and dull.
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