Sentences with phrase «constant eye»

While it is possible to be engaged without direct, constant eye contact, complete negligence will clearly have negative effects on your professional relationships.
Don't expect your dog to put up with constant eye gouging and ear or tail pulling; as you wouldn't put up with it yourself.
«Baby & Me» by organicKidz is the first nursing cover to allow mom and baby to maintain constant eye contact and the only cover that won't flop on baby!
If you can't stay out of the room, then sit in a rocker near the bed, but read a book or pretend you are reading and do not give constant eye contact.
«Baby & Me» by organicKidz is the first nursing cover to allow mom and baby to maintain constant eye contact and the -LSB-...]
Constant eye contact is important to maintain a good relationship, as well as to note when ideas or phrases are not heard or understood by the patient.
There's even a way to keep a constant eye on your credit score for no extra fee.
Meanwhile, having «a constant eye on the audience whose support you need keeps you from making the dangerous mistake of focusing only on the aggravating disruptors.»
So she keeps a constant eye on the market.
As Chris Turner, the company's head of research and analysis, puts it, «If you're a U.S. - based entrepreneur, you want to keep a constant eye on innovations coming from the rest of the world; while the U.S. remains a formidable market, the sources for ideas and inspiration are truly global now.»
ASSIST4 lets logistics managers keep a constant eye on their processes.
The 20 - year midfielder is now being watched at all of his games, with Tottenham coaches Les Ferdinand and Tim Sherwood keeping a constant eye on the player's progress.
This is just one example of the push for more ways to use technology to keep a constant eye on our babies.
As your baby's safety matters the most, always keep a constant eye on your little one during diaper changes.
It's always important for moms to make sure that they are putting they always put their newborns down on their backs when they aren't going to be able to have a constant eye on them; however, it's even more important when they are swaddled.
With the hospital staff keeping a constant eye on baby's heartbeat for signs of distress, we declined additional delivery assistance and Lisa continued to push for an another two hours.
I need to do something similar with my son (same age as Sweetness), but I've been putting it off because I can't fathom how to keep a constant eye on him while taking care of my Little Miss (same age as Mr. Man) at the same time.
It isn't just the lavish lifestyles and the fancy houses, but the constant eyes always looking at them.
Every court should be considered a flush point, a point that is worth the constant eye of the security agencies since criminal trials have the potential of emitting violence.»
Virologist Ab Osterhaus explains how that could make it more lethal and how we have to keep a constant eye on its development.
Those automated tools keep a constant eye on every station and create a log of potential local detections.
SDO keeps a constant eye on the sun, but during SDO's semiannual eclipse seasons, Earth briefly blocks SDO's line of sight each day — a consequence of SDO's geosynchronous orbit.
Help your loved one keep a constant eye on their level of fitness outside of the gym with this stylish wristband fitness and sleep tracker.
IT Cosmetics Superhero Liner lets me achieve this look while also combating my constant eye rubbing and tearing.
From his oiled hair, to his unctuous smile, the Janus - like man with the soft, feminine voice is expertly portrayed by Hoffman, causing even the tiny detail of Capote's constant eye - shifting to become unsettling; it's as though all his different sides are on display simultaneously, each one masked by another.
Using Research to Inform Decisions will guide you in how to find and evaluate pertinent research, with a constant eye toward how such research can be used to inform various school - and district - level decisions.
Ability to maintain confidentiality of student and family data, as well as to keep a constant eye out for the protection of student privacy in less formal ways
The car's dynamic range display uses intelligent connectivity to keep a constant eye on all the factors affecting range, such as traffic conditions, route profile and driving style.
Fairy - tale - obsessed Gideon keeps a constant eye out for his chance to be a hero.
Now living in exile in Madrid, quietly and as far under the radar as possible, Milius keeps a constant eye out for the enemies he made, hoping to avoid any future involvement.
Another important aspect will be how the constant eye and face tracking impact battery life.
Hire a piracy service to do the above and keep a constant eye out for these issues.
In order to properly supervise it while it is out of its cage, you need to provide a safe environment and keep a constant eye on the hamster.
Of course keeping a constant eye on the puppy and gently guiding him to an alternate activity helps a lot.
It was so bad when he came into our care that he had a severe infection on his face from the constant eye leakage.
In fact, soiling accidents are unavoidable in the early days of training, even if you keep a constant eye on your puppy.
Remember, that it is your responsibility to keep a constant eye on the puppy, and when you can not do this you will need to place the puppy in his crate.
It's very important to keep a constant eye on your Chin — just to make sure that he / she is getting enough to eat.
Because you have your constant eye on your pup and aren't more than 2 feet away, you are in prime position to swoop in if you see any suspicious behavior beginning.
We keep a constant eye on the surf forecast and aim to anticipate «flat days» in advance.
Only by keeping a constant eye of the ever changing and forming peak will you be able to asses how to direct your surfboard and adjust your speed.
We keep a constant eye on the local surf and weather forecasts.
You do have, however, to keep a constant eye on your camera's battery, as its night vision function burns more energy than the U2 Edition iPod I bought way back in 2006 (somehow, that thing still works).
With most of the pathways devoid of markers to guide me, the only way I was able to successfully navigate through the game's various areas was to keep a constant eye on the small mini-map at the top corner.
Players will also have to keep a constant eye on their oxygen meter which gradually drains outside their offices.
Richard had a constant eye over every inch of detail.
So you can't keep a constant eye on your phone, which means you might risk missing your Uber.
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