Sentences with phrase «constant game»

I think if he get constant game time and less injuries, it will boost his scoring confidence.
Some players would rather move to another game than if they believe that their current game no longer appeals because of constant game changes.
If someone is naturally one of those people who enjoy playing with children — go for it — but also expect the child to keep coming back and wanting constant games with the adult.
Indeed, it's «a constant game of risk management,» says founder Kamakshi Sivaramakrishnan, who also worked at Google but left in 2010 to launch Drawbridge, a company that builds technology to connect users» screens and devices without relying on their personal security information.
In the constant game of one - upmanship that is the cellular market, actor Paul Marcarelli, who starred in dozens of commercials for Verizon as the «Can you hear me now?»
There were constant games, constant activity.
The constant games are starting to take a toll on the squad, once again highlighting the need for us to expand it to a sufficient size.
Feeding toddlers is a constant game of guessing and playing with our food.
With the mass amounts of information, opinions, and choices that we're bombarded with through social media and the internet, parenting can often feel like playing a constant game of catch - up.
Speaking of, it's been so crazy over here that I haven't been able to catch up on my post-LA trip — I feel like I've been in a constant game of catch up with work, and life and everything in between.
I always like to swap things out when the seasons change, and pictures on the wall are not safe from a constant game of musical chairs.
Elements of floating fabrics and transparencies thread both through the ready - to - wear collection and the lingerie capsule lines, in a constant game of hide and show.
In a year that felt like a constant game of «two truths and a lie,» one thing is clear: an opportunity for change is on the horizon.
It was a constant game of back - and - forth.
It's tough to navigate, and a constant game of trial and error.
The constant game of «spot the star» is a bit distracting at times, but not as much as one might guess.
But amid the squad's constant game playing (and knuckle flicking and disco dancing and coed hunting), Linklater embarks on yet another subtle narrative experiment, this one clothed in the tube socks and the deliriously perfect pop songs of the era.
The car feels quick if you manhandle the gas pedal, but it's a constant game of wake - me - up.
In previous games, demon negotiation was a constant game of trial and error that really, really wore thin.
The game essentially evolves into a constant game of shoot - em - up - chess once you understand how everything works.
It's a constant game of critical thinking, and you'll need to keep your eyes on the prize every second, lest your enemy float through your mass of defenses.
Controllers shouldn't be the constant game changer from generation to generation... it should be the gameplay itself (amiright, AMIRIGHT?!).
You may remember Just Pause for its constant game giveaways in partnership with various game companies, such as Ubisoft.
As Marco Livingstone wrote at the time of Buckley's first retrospective in 1985: «There is a mischievous delight bordering on the wilful and perverse in this constant game of hide - and - seek, of revelation and concealment».
Thus the constant game of catching up to engage in a fight against an issue that already has momentum continues to be the modus operandi of the climate movement.
In the future those reviews pay back the firm in a constant game of 6 degrees of separation.
Life is a constant game of emotional cost - benefit in relationships where we don't want our efforts disregarded and taken for granted.
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