Sentences with phrase «constant human contact»

A dog that has had no love or care, and has been kept as a guard in the back yard of a house with no constant human contact and no other dogs around, can be a threat.
All had an identical upbringing, with constant human contact.
I learned that in many other cultures babies are, and always have been, kept in constant human contact by being carried «in arms» or in a sling until they can crawl.
Carrying or wearing an infant in a sling, keeping the infant in constant human contact, and breast feeding on demand are the biological design for optimal physical, intellectual and emotional human development.

Not exact matches

Human infants need constant attention and contact with other human beings because they are unable to look after themseHuman infants need constant attention and contact with other human beings because they are unable to look after themsehuman beings because they are unable to look after themselves.
Apes mature faster than humans do, but they stay in constant contact with their mothers until they stop nursing - an average of three years.
100 % of human babies spend their first nine months of life in constant contact with another human body, their mother!
But, ask any parent of the child who is being raised in Attachment Parenting and / or Evolutionary Development Theory (Theories which recognize that humans are Constant Contact species) mom is the primary caregiver and the first one the child attaches to.
Irresponsible = no health, temperament, or physical soundness testing; no criteria in selecting breeding pairs; puppies raised away from (almost constant) human contact; puppies sold to brokers, stores or other «middlemen»; puppies sold to anyone that has the right amount of money; no follow - up on puppies sold; does not take back ANY animal they have EVER produced; does not know the history of their breed; makes new «designer» breeds for profit; only breeds F1 crosses of new «designer» breeds.
Early in 1940 we managed to find a small house and for the next three years... I was not able to carve at all... the only sculptures I carried out were some small plaster maquettes for the second «sculpture with colour», and it was not until 1943, when we moved to another house, that I was able to carve this idea... In St Ives I was fortunate enough to have constant contact with artists and writers and craftsmen who lived there, Ben Nicholson my husband, Naum Gabo, Bernard Leach, Adrian Stokes, and there was a steady stream of visitors from London who came for a few days rest, and who contributed in a great measure to the important exchange of ideas and stimulus to creative activity... It was during this time that I gradually discovered the remarkable pagan landscape which lies between St Ives, Penzance and Land's End; a landscape which still has a very deep effect on me, developing all my ideas about the relationship of the human figure in landscape - sculpture in landscape and the essential quality of light in relation to sculpture which induced a new way of piercing the forms to contain colour... The sea, a flat diminishing plane, held within itself the capacity to radiate an infinitude of blues, greys, greens and even pinks of strange hues; the lighthouse and its strange rocky island was an eye; the Island of St Ives an arm, a hand, a face... I used colour and strings in many of the carvings of this time.
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