Sentences with phrase «constant inspiration»

The phrase "constant inspiration" means that something or someone continuously provides motivation, ideas, or creativity. It is a source of ongoing encouragement or stimulation. Full definition
What they all have in common is a strong link with public spaces, the sites for their favorite expressions and a source of constant inspiration.
What are some of your ongoing passions that serve as constant inspirations?
There are so many recipes nowadays that I find constant inspiration around the web.
All of us are on the app and it updates daily with all our new posts and social media feeds, so it's constant inspiration right at your fingertips.
For even more inspiration, be sure to check out my pinterest board here and follow along for constant inspiration on ways to update your look.
They have been described as «a source of constant inspiration in their quest to become published and in their unbounded generosity supporting and promoting other authors».
My dear friend Ange recommended this book to me last summer and I find constant inspiration on every - single - page!
This, combined with constant inspiration drawn from classical comic book imagery, pop art and American cinema (especially the horror genre), as well as the aesthetic of classic prints (Durer, Goya, Daumier, Kathe Kollwitz, etc.), creates Hancock's unique approach to collaged painting.
This, combined with constant inspiration drawn from the world of toys, classical comic book imagery, pop art and American cinema (especially the horror genre), as well as the aesthetic of classic prints (Durer, Goya, Daumier, Kathe Kollwitz, etc.), creates Hancock's unique approach.
New York City boutique Kaight stocks the green scene's best designers and newest fashions, but if you can't make it into the store then draw constant inspiration from the store's updated - daily blog, KaightNYC.
Amsterdam doesn't have a bikes ambassador as prolific as CopenhagenCycleChic, but it does have the bierfiets, a bicycle - driven ambulatory beer bar, as well as constant inspiration supplied by its many bikers showing what can (and perhaps what can not)
As mom to 2 toddlers (ages 2 and 5), wife to a work - from - home husband and executive director of the Maccarelli family meals, activities, cleaning, laundry, shopping, real estate endeavors, travel and general errands, she derives constant inspiration for her blog, Pecked To Death By Chickens, from the little annoyances that pop up daily as she tries to keep an eye on all the moving parts.
Today's blog is a guest post from a long time connection and constant inspiration Steve Bambury.
It has always been a big part of my life, I find constant inspiration in music and am more than vocal about my disinterest in other musical genres (I can not handle rnb or anything dance or too pop oriented!).
The ideas, strategies, knowledge, and feedback I received from countless educators across the world that I was now connected with through social media provided constant inspiration as to what was truly possible in education.
Amsterdam doesn't have a bikes ambassador as prolific as CopenhagenCycleChic, but it does have the bierfiets, a bicycle - driven ambulatory beer bar, as well as constant inspiration supplied by its many bikers showing what can (and perhaps what can not) be accomplished on a bike.
Her greatest teacher and the source of constant inspiration on this path is her Guru, Mata Amritanandamayi or Amma, as she is known.
My greatest teacher and the source of constant inspiration on this path is my Guru, Mata Amritandamayi, or Amma, as she is known.
Amy draws constant inspiration from the passion with which the entire firm practices law, and fights with absolute resolve to achieve the greatest possible resolution for every client.
My spectacular co-chairs, Thrive Global CEO Arianna Huffington — the doyenne of digital media and the High Priestess of Wellness herself — and oncologist, proteomics pioneer, and author extraordinaire David Agus, both of whom are constant inspirations for me, have helped to create a truly remarkable gathering of thought leaders, innovators, and change agents.
For chef Dave Pynt, who moved to Singapore from Australia last year to open Burnt Ends, a grill - positive restaurant in the trendy Chinatown area, the city's food culture is a constant inspiration.
You are a constant inspiration.
My clients — they overcome so much to change the way they eat and it's a constant inspiration to see them become the people they've often struggled to be.
Thank you for you constant inspiration!!
Will be making these and Nigella Lawson's granola very soon to send in a care package, thanks for the constant inspiration.
Keep up the amazing work: your books and website are a constant inspiration and source of joy in my life!
She's a constant inspiration.
Thank you for sharing and constant inspiration!
Both these women are a constant inspiration!
Thank you for your constant inspiration!!
you are a constant inspiration.
Thanks for the constant inspiration...
anyhow, thanks for the amazing recipes and the constant inspiration.
I love the flavours you incorporated here (lime, mint leaves, ginger and vanilla)-- thanks for your constant inspiration:)
My studio has a myriad of stones, shells, feathers, dried flowers and seed heads from country or seaside, family walks, as well as various vintage objects to give me constant inspiration.
There's a myriad of stones, shells, feathers, dried flowers and seed heads from country or seaside, family walks, as well as various vintage objects to give me constant inspiration.
When she's not helping families find the school that's right for them, she's enjoying time at home with her relentlessly curious and brilliantly creative daughter, who is a constant inspiration for the hopes, dreams and ideas that drive her life.
I like to have an understanding of trends in colour and pattern, but a constant inspiration is the tradition of knitting, updating with colour and simplifying pattern.
Erin has been blessed with a daughter, Chloe and a son Everett; beautiful, dynamic children who keep Erin on her toes, not to mention providing constant inspiration and input for Baby Lulu designs.»
She is the proud mama of two feisty, funny, and kind kiddos who give her constant inspiration (and lots of hugs), not to mention two 4 - legged kids.
Basically, he's a real guy, but super duper fit and a constant inspiration to his followers.

Phrases with «constant inspiration»

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