Sentences with phrase «constant line»

The Court was not required to depart from its earlier decision in the absence of a clear and constant line of Strasbourg jurisprudence.
Arden LJ also held, apparently following Pinnock, that it would not in any event be open to the Court to consider proportionality, since there was no clear and constant line of jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights that the proportionality test applied where there was a private landlord, and applying that test would raise «substantial issues».
«The constant line from Jane Fonda and Barbara Boxer on abortion was «You can't possibly know how a woman feels - how dare you speak on an issue you have no knowledge of,»» says Dannenfelser, referring to the pro-abortion rights actress and U.S. senator.
- A team like this needs confidence in their coach, his system and decisions, but that's clearly not happening - The constant line up changes may not be be the problem, but indicative of team / coaches / front office that doesn't know what they are.
At the moment, he's having a hard time finding room to stretch because of the constant line of kids who want their picture with him.
(This has been a constant line of attack for some days now, although Duncan Smith's tax credit claims did not survive the Channel 4 FactCheck treatment.)
Yes — I maintained a constant line of contact: Once a month, I would check - in and send whatever projects I was working on at the time.
Part of the reason for homesickness comes from not having a constant line of communication with your friends and family when you're miles away.
One of the biggest roles the attorney has is maintaining a constant line of communication with the lenders negotiator.
There is a constant line of communication between team members, ranging from stock ideas to improving the research process.
A constant line of sight is required for the controllers to function, and from a relatively close distance too.
Marclay is probably best known for his 24 - hour video piece The Clock (when it was exhibited at MoMA, there were near - constant lines to see it).
First seen at Paula Cooper in early 2011, Christian Marclay's The Clock had a constant line of art nerds waiting in the freezing Chelsea cold in order to spend some time with the real - time film.
This is the constant line that Hillary Clinton walks in needing to be seen as a confident and tough leader but still showing her caring and compassionate side in order to be liked and trusted enough to get elected.
While the courts should be guided by any clear and constant line of Strasbourg jurisprudence (see Pinnock at 48), this does not prevent a court from considering Convention compliance for itself as and when such defences are raised.
However, notwithstanding this reasoning, it is suggested that it is not necessarily correct to say that a clear and constant line of jurisprudence is required before the court can consider proportionality.
However, a review of the authorities led to the inexorable conclusion that there was a clear and constant line of Strasbourg jurisprudence which (per Lord Kerr, at [48]-RRB-:
He / she must establish and maintain a constant line of communication between the the parties involved in decision making and implementation.
There is a constant line outside of Brie's office composed of therapists, clients, small children, and who knows what else — all seeking her sage advice.
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