Sentences with phrase «constant scrutiny»

Schools are under constant scrutiny from the media and community.
Many of these big brands are publicly owned, and subject to constant scrutiny by investors and analysts.
Nevertheless, this is a book packed with insight about this industry, which needs constant scrutiny.
The gigantic social network has been under constant scrutiny due to an ongoing privacy issue.
Developing that confidence took time, she says, because, being a woman, she was under constant scrutiny.
One recent morning, the school was immersed in its ritual of 45 - minute «pullout» lessons Ennis choreographs through constant scrutiny of test scores.
Aside from constant scrutiny from breastfeeding advocates, many parents who formula feed their children are constantly judged for their decision.
But being a public figure makes Justin Trudeau bait for constant scrutiny.
President Donald Trump has faced constant scrutiny from the press since his administration began.
He also noted that the «retail sector is under constant scrutiny in terms of mergers and acquisitions.»
Cuomo has said the bond money would be doled out the same way other school aid is allocated to districts, but of course the state's funding formulas are already subject to constant scrutiny as advocates argue distribution is inequitable, before taking into account varying technological needs.
There's a beguiling serenity about all the slow - motion space movement that is slyly undermined by some clever positioning of the camera to convey the sense of Keir Dullea (Mail Order Bride) and Gary Lockwood (The Magic Sword, They Came to Rob Las Vegas) being under constant scrutiny on the ship.
However, a research facility at a major university is always under such constant scrutiny, lofty personal goals are even less likely to be achieved at all because it isn't a setting conducive to such reckless, singular behavior — especially in an environment where major acts of terrorism against that very kind of research is running rampant in the world.
Pitties are under constant scrutiny so invest your time into proper training.
In return, they received such rations as oatmeal and raman noodles, along with constant scrutiny from eyes like my own.
Given that Centro is under constant scrutiny because of its credit problems, the firm had to include that statement in the report for accounting purposes, she says.
During the grueling final competition, chefs work under constant scrutiny by master judges and the critical palates of some of the world's most renowned chefs evaluate their elaborate pastries.
However, I feel the need to express my thoughts on your reaction to VH1, «Couples Therapy»... You quoted from website, «for some of these couples, living under constant scrutiny from the media and fans makes it increasingly hard for them to stay together.»
Campaign sites are under constant scrutiny by friends and enemies, and leaving outdated information in plain site or doing a sloppy job on features not only can turn off potential supporters but gives fodder to the oppposition.
In a detailed (and must - read) analysis of the constant scrutiny Serena has had to endure — criticized for her body and choices, the cruel comparisons to other female athletes, the literal price she's paid in terms of endorsements — writer Bijan Bayne makes it clear that race is central to this conversation:
The company founder has said he wants some breathing room to focus on long term investments without the constant scrutiny from Wall Street.
So why should Romney and the Mormans be spared the vitriol and constant scrutiny.
I was under constant scrutiny.
Perhaps the overwhelming oddness of the position — the shadows of 1966, the constant scrutiny, the on - again, off - again calendar, the increasing irrelevance of international football when set against the all - consuming Premier League, the insistence from the FA that the England manager stand as some kind of moral paragon — drives those that inhabit it to do strange things, to kick out against common sense.
The Merseyside giants are believed to be on the lookout for defensive reinforcements in the new year, with Jurgen Klopp's managerial position come under constant scrutiny this season.
Joining at the same time as Stewart Downing (# 20m) and less than six months after the failing Andy Carroll (# 35m), Henderson found himself the subject of constant scrutiny.
Jeremy is going to have to make a transition very quickly from being a backbencher, where he had a kind of modus operandi, to being leader of the Labour party and being under constant scrutiny.
Science and scientists are under constant scrutiny.
Jaden Smith's been very candid about the annoyances and constant scrutiny he faces on the regular and his every move being photographed by paparazzi and then being posted on social media for millions to judge and critique his choices.
Meghan is adapting to a life without her social media accounts, under the constant scrutiny of the paparazzi, with help from Kate.»
Living in dreary isolation, she is awakened each day by blistering rock music and kept under constant scrutiny.
The figure of James Franco as a director is under constant scrutiny; this is his 15th film, yet he still hasn't made one that has made the ripples that he no doubt wishes they had.
In fact, with the advent of the No Child Left Behind Act, school systems across the nation are under constant scrutiny.
The UK's education sector is subject to constant scrutiny and evokes wildly different opinions — and rightly so.
Admissions practices are under constant scrutiny by politicians, civil rights groups, and others.
And because they're under constant scrutiny, successful charter schools tend to use proven systems of curriculum and pedagogy.
Teachers who practice the pedagogy of confidence are fearless; they know how to negotiate the murky waters of conflicting curricular demands, overbearing assessments, and constant scrutiny to become the teachers they want to be.
The constant scrutiny and second guessing of administrators has made her feel she's teaching «under a microscope,» she told The Atlantic.
This constant scrutiny pushes managers towards the middle because committees want index - beating returns with little deviation from the index (referred to as tracking error).
Our equipment and supplies are under constant scrutiny to be sure we are providing you with the best up - to - date care.
Authority will derive less from an established media brand than through the constant scrutiny of the crowd.
The financial services sector is a key driver of the UK economy and is under constant scrutiny from regulators and the media.
While the app itself is under constant scrutiny for being labeled a «piracy application,» it's actually a very powerful, legitimate media center application that can turn your Android TV unit into something good to something great.
In a world where the way Google and its hardware partners support older Android devices comes under constant scrutiny, the company has announced that it will be ditching support for a number of devices when Android P goes live later this year.
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