Sentences with phrase «constant shadow»

Paddy Considine, usually so compelling, was way overblown here, playing Graham, the wacky self - help guru, whose constant shadow boxing leads Oliver to refer to his character as a «ninja.»
There's no bigger motivator to be more careful in your steps than having a constant shadow.
With credit cards, interest is a constant shadow that looms overhead.
@Eliot, This financial sustainability of both Lending Club and Prosper casts a constant shadow over the future of peer to peer lending.
He sleeps with her at night and is a constant shadow for her as she enjoys the outdoors near her home on the Oregon Coast.
Of the themes that define my waking hours and whose influence is undeniably woven into in the work, the most palpable one, playing out on the canvas of late, is an obsession with time — as a resource, as a thief, as a constant shadow.
The most palpable, and one playing out on the canvas of late, is an obsession with time - as a resource as a thief, as a constant shadow.
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