Sentences with phrase «constant thing»

The only constant thing about millennials and their food tastes is that they are always changing.
To make this claim about process is to say more than simply that things change; it is to say that there are no essentially constant things at the most basic level of analysis.
The only constant thing is change so there is no need to be afraid of it as it is coming.
Am not afraid of change datz d only constant thing in life, look at what simeone is doing at atletico dat are broke, tell u dat motivation is all u need to succeed.
If there's one constant thing about the... Continue reading «How Often Should You Update Your Firm's Website?»
It's a fairly constant thing from relgious groups that think they're doing people a favor by offering them the chance to join their faith (and give them money..
Change is the only Constant Thing in Life.
Change is the only constant thing in life.
«This has to be a constant thing.
Before that, it was a constant thing with me.
Change is the only constant thing.
Look at it whichever way you like and makes you feel best, but the only constant things at Arsenal are the failures, Wenger and the board.
This has to be a constant thing until it happens.
the only constant thing is the coach.
Players have come and gone year after, year at Arsenal, the one constant thing has been the manager.
These are some of the constant things that keep going in your mind before a photoshoot.
Two constant things that you follow throughout the cycle are the protein amount and the broccoli intake.
It has been a constant thing in my life for the past 11 years.
Dry cleaning would be a constant thing with the suits and the dresses and then the suits again.
It's a great transitional top, especially for this time of year when quick transitions from work to family / friend Christmas parties is a constant thing.
The passage of time and perspective is consummated through laughter, tears, changing fashions and an excellent use of music but it's Linkater's insight into human relations and our different stages of development that impresses most as he fully manages to capture that the only constant thing in life is... change.
«I think the value of critique is that it's a constant thing of thinking and rethinking.
The only constant thing in life is change.
It is always being said that «Change is the only constant thing in life», it covers all the areas ranging from business to personal life.
I'm also a DE and it's a constant thing to explain to people exactly what kind of editing I'm trained for and what kind I'm not!
If the hamsters aren't drawing blood, and are not squeaking in pain or it's not like a constant thing, I think that they should be fine in a cage together.
War is a near - constant thing in Beyond Sol.
It's not a constant thing, but it did get really annoying.
In the catalog interview with Alison Gingeras, Martinez says, «the drawings and practice of drawing has always been a constant thing and existed on its own laurels.
There's this constant thing about painting being dead and it isn't.
In the catalog interview with Alison Gingeras, titled Fresh Kills, Martinez says, «the drawings and practice of drawing has always been a constant thing and existed on its own laurels.
In the past decade, what I've been working on pretty much as a constant thing is found footage.
Driving safely is a constant thing to keep first and foremost in your mind whether you are behind the wheel or a passenger.
We have used a lot of InFocus handsets since last year, and the one constant thing in all these handsets was the interface experience.
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