Sentences with phrase «constant uphill battle»

Technology — like society — is always changing and always improving, which makes staying relevant a constant uphill battle.
When you're barely making that much as your starting salary, eliminating those loans can seem like a constant uphill battle.
But with my daughter Rose having silent reflux and colic, as well as having an oversupply, it wasn't an easy ride and it was a constant uphill battle.
«This constant uphill battle to save the vision of NIV patients made us determined to find the molecules active inside the eye that can lead us to better therapies,» Mahajan said.
You want to be healthy, but sometimes it seems like being healthy is a constant uphill battle.
And I do but it remains a constant uphill battle.
This time of the year seems to be a constant uphill battle with itchy dry skin, flakes, and the ever present rosy pink hue on our cheeks thanks to the bitter cold we endure day in and day out.
she sniffs — and it's lovely, particularly as Beatrix also finds, in Norman's sister, Millie (Emily Watson: The Proposition, Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, just delightful) a female soulmate, a happily unmarried woman who can commiserate with Beatrix over the constant uphill battles women face: for respect, for self - determination, and even in allowing themselves the freedom to find new flexibility in their own hard - fought philosophies when love requests it.
We're fighting a constant uphill battle to change this».
Reaching level cap and end game should be a journey that is exciting, not a constant uphill battle that leaves players feeling defeated halfway through.
What ultimately irritated me the most about State of Decay 2 was the Sisyphean feeling of being trapped in a constant uphill battle.
Clean - up at the Olympic facilities is a constant uphill battle.
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