Sentences with phrase «constitutional codification»

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Put another way, the virtues of codification — unlike our current constitutional arrangements — are that it reflects principle rather than expediency.
His publications include «Repairing British Politics» (Hart 2010), «Constitutional Change and Parliamentary Sovereignty — The Impossible Dialectic» in The British Constitution — Continuity and Change (Hart 2013), (co-authored) «Select Committee Powers — Clarity or Confusion» (Constitution Society 2012), (co-authored) «Parliamentary Privilege — Evolution or Codification
The same could be surmised from the conduct and discourse of the Committee Chair himself, who recently chose to start up a «lively and passionate public debate» on codification on the academic blog of the United Kingdom Constitutional Law Association — hardly likely to be read by any «public» other than public law academics.
5.15 pm Communities and Local Government Subject: Codification of the relationship between central and local government Witness (es): Graham Allen MP, Chair of the Policital and Constitutional Reform Committee Location: The Wilson Room, Portcullis House
The NTA provides a fairly comprehensive codification of what past government actions extinguish native title.145 It classifies various interests in the past, often distant past, as «previous exclusive possession acts» which deems them to have permanently extinguished native title.146 The NTA also provides that «previous non-exclusive possession acts» 147 will extinguish native title to the extent of any inconsistency.148 The NTA also validates acts of government that took place before the High Court's decision in Wik which may be invalid because of the existence of native title (generally, due to the Constitutional requirement that «just terms» be paid where property is acquired, 149 or the operation of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth).150 This aspect of the NTA has been repeatedly criticised by CERD.
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