Sentences with phrase «constricted views»

A lot of narrow constricted views.
Judge Moukawsher opted for the former, constricted view — one that experts know fails to accomplish even his meager goals.
Once you've taken it all in, however, you notice that there's nowhere to stash your stuff, and that the long A-pillars and rising beltline constrict the view out.
In this respect, the AGBC's position that as long as the government does not interfere with the cases the court is permitted to hear judicial independence is respected, is an inappropriately constricted view of the court's constitutional place.

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The grasping caused by fear of death therefore results in a constricted and restricted view of things which obscures the heights and depths of possibility inherent in existence.
«We are of the view that the action taken by the General Legal Council constricts the parameters for legal education instead of expanding them, and they have very negative implications on everything... There can never be an overproduction of lawyers, we need lawyers in every area aspect of society, so we don't know why we would make choices that will effectively constrict legal education....
Interestingly, the same applied to the chimpanzees: their pupils, too, dilated more slowly when they viewed a chimp with constricting pupils.
The experiments also revealed something else: pupil dilation in humans is not altered by viewing images of chimps with either dilating or constricting pupils, and vice versa.
This location represents a particular challenge for surgeons, since the tumors are technically difficult to access and, because of the anatomically constricted space in the lesser pelvis, the view of the operating area is restricted.
Hi, yes its strange to some but not to scientists.Actually there is not really that much connection between fat and heart disease at all.It was Ancel Benjamin Keys that came up with that dubious «Seven Countries» studies.My own view is that meat for people with established heart disease is probably not a good idea.The reason being is that people with established heart disease usually got there either by bad genetics, or by bad dietary and lifestyle choices over a number of years.Meat and fat is know to reduce blood flow and constrict the arteries which in healthy people may be of no immediate harm.However in someone with known heart disease any constriction and lack of blood flow to and from the heart is NOT a good idea obviously.
The movie is shot in a raw, TV docudrama - like street style with abrupt and constricted camera movement and shifting points of view.
«Free yourself from constricting self - limiting ways in which you view yourself and the world.
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