Sentences with phrase «construction of new coal plants»

He also questioned the need for performance standards on industry in the draft bill, saying that provision would halt construction of any new coal plants beyond 2015.
Depending on how they're structured, the rules could effectively freeze construction of new coal plants and lead to closures of existing coal plants.
If wind can do it all, why do you think the UK government — like the German — has seen fit to authorise construction of new coal plants, attempting to maintain its green credentials by gambling that CCS will shortly become technologically possible and economically affordable?
I do take issue with his proscription against construction of any new coal plants until sequestration can be perfected.
Even in that context groups like Greenpeace have pointed to planned construction of new coal plants being cancelled in India as a sign the country is moving away from coal.
The recent news headlines suggesting India would suspend construction of new coal plants for the next 20 years sit in stark contrast to a national electricity report advising that additional coal - based capacity will be needed to fulfil India's future electricity requirements.
If they withstand the expected legal challenges, the regulations will set in motion sweeping policy changes that could shut down hundreds of coal - fired power plants, freeze construction of new coal plants and create a boom in the production of wind and solar power and other renewable energy sources.
Dr. Hansen pointed out that the bill explicitly allows for the construction of new coal plants and predicted that it would, if passed, prove close to meaningless.
The same justification being used now to halt the construction of new coal plants can be used to shut down existing facilities.
«It is clear that the EPA is continuing to move forward with a strategy that will write off our huge, secure, affordable coal resources by essentially outlawing the construction of new coal plants,» US Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President for Government Affairs Bruce Josten said in a statement.
The European Union's Energy Roadmap to 2050 and the US Environmental Protection Agency's recent Clean Power Plan show that the construction of new coal plants will be severely constrained in Western markets.
Environmental groups also say the bill could set off a boom in the construction of new coal plants because of provisions that would restrict legal efforts to block such projects.
In the mean time, stop the construction of any new coal plants and phase out existing ones.
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