Sentences with phrase «constructive financial conflict»

As predicted, constructive financial conflict messages were positively associated with financial communication satisfaction, pr (302) = 0.76, p < 0.001.
Constructive financial conflict messages were positively associated with marital satisfaction, pr (302) = 0.42, p < 0.001.
Supporting the hypotheses, constructive financial conflict messages and marital satisfaction were both positively related to financial communication satisfaction.
Constructive financial conflict messages were characterized as proactively discussing and dealing with financial issues.
H1: Financial harmony is positively associated with constructive financial conflict messages.
The indirect effect of constructive financial conflict messages on marital satisfaction was significant, ab = 0.30, 95 % CI [0.18, 0.44], κ2 = 0.27, 95 % CI [0.16, 0.36], R med 2 =.24, 95 % CI [0.15, 0.33].
In the present study of 326 married individuals, we found that constructive financial conflict messages were positively associated with financial harmony, marital satisfaction, and financial communication satisfaction.
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