Sentences with phrase «consume about a gallon»

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I recently read that Saudia Arabia consumes about eight gallons of hot sauce per capita — much of which they manufacture themselves from U.S. - made mash.
Our Very Wet Footprint The average person on earth has a virtual water footprint of about 328,410 gallons each year; that includes everything used to make the food, clothing, and other water - driven products we consume.
Canadian and U.S. coffee drinkers consume about 40 gallons and 30 gallons per person per year, respectively, Heller said.
It's reported that each coffee drinker in the Netherlands consumes about 69 gallons every year.
Driven similarly over the same - length mixed city / highway route, the diesel had consumed about a quarter of its 13 - gallon fuel supply, while the gasoline version had slurped down nearly half of its same - sized tank.
A Calf will consume about 50 gallons of milk per day and grow by about 100 pounds a day.
The average household does almost 400 loads of laundry each year, consuming about 13,500 gallons of water according to Energy Star.
These lawns are consuming about 800 million gallons of gasoline for mowing and uses an average of 30 - 60 % of our cities» freshwater.
While that may sound like a lot, consider that the United States consumes about 378 million gallons of gas a day, and released about 6.4 billion tons of greenhouse gases into the air last year.
With Americans consuming about 140 billion gallons of gasoline a year, a gas - tax increase of about 40 cents a gallon could fund a corporate rate cut, fostering economic growth and reducing a variety of driving - related problems.
According to a similar article recently posted on Yale University's environment360 website, Stan Cox estimates that global air conditioning consumes about 1 trillion kilowatthours of electricity each year, and that automotive air conditioners in the United States alone account for 7 - 10 billion gallons (26 to 38 billion liters) of gasoline used.
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