Sentences with phrase «to consume extra calories»

But, be careful not to consume these extra calories by eating junk foods... be sure to pick nutritious snacks and / or eat slightly larger portions at each meal.
It's true that you are supposed to consume extra calories while pregnant, but no more than 300 - 500 extra calories per day throughout the different stages of your pregnancy.
-- Like my attitude while pregnant, I ignored advice to consume extra calories needed for milk production.
It may be that you will need to consume extra calories if you decide to continue breastfeeding during your pregnancy and taking extra vitamin supplements may also be a good idea.
If you drastically consume extra calories one day, you can lower your food consumption the next day or later in the week.
Whether you are an vegetarian or an omnivore, the nutrition advice for breastfeeding moms is the same: focus on consuming extra calories from nutritious foods (like fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains) and drinking lots of water.
The last thing you want to do is overload your stomach and set yourself up for a night of tossing and turning — or consume extra calories in an effort to lull yourself to sleep.
The researchers believe that the children who did not consume the extra calories provided in the full - fat milk were likely left hungrier and more inclined to then turn to «junk food».
Millions of measurements from 23 people who consumed extra calories every day for a month reveal changes in proteins, metabolites, and gut microbiota that accompany shifts in body mass.
The pistachio cyclists were 4.8 % slower than the controls, with reduced power output, despite consuming extra calories too.
But, be careful not to consume these extra calories by eating junk foods... be sure to pick nutritious snacks (fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds) and / or eat slightly larger portions at each meal.
Women who are not gaining the expected amount of weight may need to consume extra calories.
Nursing mamas need to consume extra calories (general recommendation is 300 to 500 extra calories to maintain pre-pregnancy weight) and stay well hydrated.
Even though a nursing mother works up a big appetite and consumes extra calories, the extra food for her is less expensive than buying formula for the baby.
So a woman carrying twins should aim to consume an extra calories 600 daily.
Research demonstrates that eating protein keeps you feeling fuller for a longer period of time, preventing you from consuming extra calories (1, 2, 3).
Inversely, to shorten lifespan all that one needs to do is consume extra calories, even «good ones».
Eat, Eat, Eat - To gain muscle mass you must consume the extra calories your body needs to build muscle.
For a short while this stumped many nutritionists and scientists and became a calorie conundrum; how was it possible to lose weight while consuming extra calories?
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