Sentences with phrase «consume land animal»

They regularly consume land animal foods, and they tell us that they feel their best with routine intake of these foods.
If you regularly consume land animal foods and fish in your meal plan, B12 intake is not very likely to be a problem.

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While the fire raged for days and consumed nearly 80,000 acres of land and destroyed more than 1,900 structures, including 66 commercial businesses in the area, Smith's three - person practice, Middletown Animal Hospital, was spared.
Evidence at trial was that Roundup Ready (RR) canola swathes were harmless to animals, people and land even if consumed.
A chemical analysis of one of her teeth indicates that, between ages 5 and 10, she started eating a lot of fish and other seafood for the first time after having previously consumed mainly plants and land animals,
Reforestation competes with agricultural land use; land needs could decline by reducing use of animal products, as livestock now consume more than half of all crops [186].
This is one of the reasons why most traditional cultures consume some sort of animal food, such as bone broths, fish and shellfish, land and water fowl, land and sea mammals, eggs, milk and dairy products, reptiles, and even insects.
Back to the Experimental Evidence Denise Minger went not just beyond the bestselling book and into the abyss of thousands upon thousands of data points known loosely as the original monograph but traveled even further through the lands of the roughly one thousand references Campbell provides among his supporting evidence to find a critical study that Campbell himself had published showing, in fact, that the central thesis of his book — that animal foods, and specifically animal protein, are uniquely harmful to consume — is false.
Farming animals also consumes huge quantities of energy, water and land.
If you regularly consume fish but avoid land animal foods, B12 is still relatively unlikely to be a problem.
Once there, the animals consume the plants residing in the area and then excrete urine and feces back onto that land.
Finally, Mercy for Animals faces a tremendous challenge in the fact that the vast majority of seafood consumed in the U.S. comes from Asia and South America, where the concept of worrying about fish welfare is as foreign as if fish suddenly started walking on land: «Welfare rights are primarily a Western phenomenon.»
Further, consuming high rates of certain vegetation and land - based animals that may yield immediate energetic gains could, instead, provide other benefits such as fulfilling vitamin / mineral requirements, diluting toxins and assessing new foods for potential switching.
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