Sentences with phrase «consume small amounts of chocolate»

My approach has always been to provide opportunities for my children to consume small amounts of chocolate that is real, whole and free of GMOs and always in the presence of healthy fats to prevent excessive consumption or development of addiction.
In general, it seems preferable to consume smaller amounts of chocolate at more frequent intervals, much like the principle of split dosing for supplements, in order to ensure a steadier stream of nutrients in your bloodstream.

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A study of Italians who consume a diet rich in resveratrol — the compound found in red wine, dark chocolate and berries — finds they live no longer than and are just as likely to develop cardiovascular disease or cancer as those who eat or drink smaller amounts of the antioxidant.
A study shows that when small amounts of dark chocolate are consumed as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle, it can help to slow the aging process.
As you see this is a very small amount, however still contributes to the improved moods and sense of well being after consuming a chocolate from a quality dark chocolate.
One study found that by eating a small amount of dark chocolate before a meal people consumed significantly fewer calories.
If you suspect that your pet consumed even a small amount of chocolate, flowers, or xylitol, the safest bet is to consult your veterinarian.
The toxin found in chocolate, theobromine, is more concentrated in dark chocolate and cocoa powder, but it's important to get in touch with your veterinarian for advice if you think your cat has consumed any type of chocolate, no matter how small the amount.
Here is an example of the amounts of different types of chocolate (in ounces) that a 10 - pound cat would need to consume in order to experience toxic effects (smaller cats and kittens require much smaller amounts to reach toxic levels):
Unfortunately, that's not the case for your dog or cat since consuming even a small amount of chocolate can be toxic for pets.
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