Sentences with phrase «consume via your food»

If you want to lose fat / weight, you will need to burn more calories than you consume via your food.
Eleven of these amino acids are formed naturally in the human body (called non-essential) and nine must be consumed via our food (called essential).
For example; If you are content with your current weight then you would want to balance the amount of energy you consume via food with the amount of total energy that you expend.

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So exposure to sugars and sodium via processed foods consumed by kids conditions their palates to crave intensified or enhanced flavors.
When domoic acid - containing Pseudo-nitzschia enter the food chain, humans can accidentally consume it via shellfish.
Including protein foods throughout the day means your body will burn more calories simply by the work it takes to digest the protein you consume, encourage more fat loss via hormone production, which increases the integrity of your lean muscles, and even reduces cardiovascular risk!
Because this vitamin is so easily lost in our urine, it's ideal to consume vitamin - C - rich foods throughout the day via fresh fruits and vegetables while also taking a supplement.
In a study from Duke University, overweight women shed a few pounds by simply reporting (via text) some basic info, such as the number of steps they walked daily and whether or not they consumed fast food.
What exactly is methylfolate, and how can we consume it (only via supplement or through food)?
The SAD is laden with many foods that are counterproductive to producing vibrantly healthy babies: foods such as damaged fats (those overheated and extracted with solvents), commercially raised meats (if any meat is consumed at all, as many fall victim to the deception of vegetarianism), and an abundance of pesticides and chemicals via conventionally farmed foods, fast foods, processed ingredients, body care products, cleaning supplies and municipal water sources.
-- Starting macronutrient ratio: 30 - 40 % carbs, 30 - 35 % fats, 30 - 35 % protein — Carb requirements: Low — Carb intake timing: All carb - rich foods need to be consumed one to two hours pre / post workout — Exercising: Endomorphs have difficulties losing the excess fat via diet only, so a sound training plan is an absolute must.
Although they can be absorbed by foods it is often more efficient and effective to consume them in larger quantities via dietary supplements.
Individuals who embark on a weight loss journey and proudly proclaim to their audience, «I'm eating more calories than I was before and I'm losing fat,» are combining a few rather common dietary strategies to make it «feel» like they are now consuming more energy via food.
I'm not sure that strictly consuming more aminos via whole foods would have the same effect.
one of the most common forms of iodine deficiency / thyroid dysfunction is actually via consuming plant based foods that bind the iodine and other minerals.
The best way to get the adequate amount of Iron is to consume it via healthy food.
In fact, the very act of movement helps us assimilate the nutrients we receive via food... Movement stimulates blood flow to circulate and help us utilize the nutrients we consume, and the load that we put on our bones and joints helps us build and maintain bone density (again, allowing us to properly utilize the nutrients we ingest).
Over time, as BCAA supplements have been studied in clinical and scientific scenarios, it has become clear that if you're adequately consuming enough protein via whole food sources, BCAA supplementation is redundant and unnecessary, not to mention pricey.
Yet, plants consumed as foods and beverages transfer many of their protective benefits via flavonoids that are easily transferred to the human body.
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