Sentences with phrase «consumed by pain»

People may struggle to heal when they are consumed by pain.
And when we are in a state of suffering, like so many are, we're consumed by pain (be it physical, mental, emotional) and therefore not able to bring forth our biggest, baddest, best Self (with a capital «S»)!

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All the justice that was well deserved (consumed by eternal burning holiness) is covered in perfect love taking onto self the pain (consequence) of sin up to the maximum evil could imagine.
It works by first activating the pain sensors in the body and then dulling them to eliminate pain and can be applied topically in a salve (think lower - back pain) or consumed (for things like headaches).
Soon she was consumed by fatigue, «After six or seven months I couldn't carry groceries, I couldn't have sex, I couldn't dance with my daughters without feeling chest pain,» says Kupetz.
After a disappointing weigh - in, feelings of self - hatred would consume me, and I'd often spend the day judging my entire young life by that number — and bingeing to soothe the pain.
In reality though I was consumed most days by bloating and drop - you - to - the - floor stomach pains.
A 40 year old woman was suffering from recurrent severe right hypochondrial pain after consuming fatty foods and after investigation by an outpatient clinic was found to have multiple gallstones in her bladder.
Consume this decoction by half - cups to relieve pain, as required.
- Ginger — two studies from the University of Georgia show that 2 grams of ginger per day helps fight inflammation and reduce exercise - induced muscle pain, and this can easily be consumed by boiling chunks of ginger, juicing ginger, or tossing ginger into a smoothie.
Soreness after a workout is caused by a combination of inflammation, muscle damage and oxidative stress — and researchers suggest the natural compounds in Montmorency tart cherries, including anthocyanins, may aid in faster recovery, decreased muscle pain, and less muscle damage when consumed prior to working out, as well as after.1, 2,3
The cameras were so far away that I forgot I was participating in a million - viewer spectacle, that my experience, my joy and pain, were being consumed by the masses, though I was aware enough to realize that everybody in the audience was crying.
We are woven into this kaleidoscopic memoir by our desires to consume pain, to blur fact and fiction, to escape
Hemp seed was considered a key nutritional element in Chinese medicine for everything from digestive disorders to pain, fever, ulcers and many other ills and was consumed as a primary foodstuff by peasants throughout Europe and Asia for centuries.
He had not consumed any of the water, but his symptoms included nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain — simply by looking at the fly in the water.
Because parents may often be consumed with their own feelings during a divorce, they might overlook the emotional state of their children, who may be confused by the divorce or feel guilt, loss, pain, or abandonment.
I join my community in experiencing the pains of existence and the processes of learning to work with and transform these pains, rather than be consumed by them.
At Tacoma Christian Counseling, we know that dealing with trauma can be an intense roller - coaster of emotions, full of times of recovery followed by times when you feel you'll never let go of the pain that consumes your life.
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