Sentences with phrase «consumer of legal services»

For startups developing solutions for consumers of legal services, it may be ensuring accessibility and ease - of - use of their services for both businesses and members of the public.
Are there tell - tale signs that sophisticated consumers of legal services look for?
He correctly acknowledges that such content is more likely to be built by consumers of legal services rather than lawyers.
Imagine if the medical patient were forced to shop for doctors in the same way as the personal plight consumer of legal services!
Corporate clients, large consumers of legal services, call the shots.
It's a question way too big for one post, but let's start with what consumers of legal services would experience if the law license requirement were gone.
Many consumers of legal services like to do things themselves, on their own schedule.
Major consumers of legal services, such as corporations and other institutions, are made up of individuals who do not always agree on legal strategy.
However, now consumers of legal services no longer have a guideline for the value of any legal services.
Clients are now much more sophisticated consumers of legal services — they have responded by demanding discounts and requesting alternative fee structures from their advisers.
Cost disease is not just a disease suffered by consumers of legal services.
(Insurance companies, the most savvy consumers of legal services in most instances, employ entire firms to «monitor» cases they would not do so if the overall cost were not reduced through monitoring.)
Nathan Anderson: Michelle points out a very good point: consumers of legal services at more techno - savvy than ever.
One of the projects SMU students have been working on in the lead up to the FLIP launch has involved helping to collate a catalogue of 100 legal industry problem statements from legal counsel, paralegals, other supporting staff and service providers, as well as consumers of legal services, such as corporates, SMEs and private clients.
There is very little guidance available for most consumers of legal services, and Avvo seeks to fill that gap by obtaining information about lawyers and presenting it in a way that consumers can readily understand and use.
I will write more about this, but this is clearly part of a larger trend towards providing consumers of legal services with the same types of reviews and ratings that consumers expect when buying other products and services.
Janet: My passion is for bar associations to become the go - to, safe, and convenient place for the public to find appropriate, quality legal services, including simple, straightforward, and trustworthy guidance about whether and why to hire a lawyer and how to be a confident consumer of legal services.
The average consumer of legal services just doesn't engage with a lawyer often enough to warrant developing a relationship with a franchise — and franchises, as any franchisor will enthusiastically tell us, are all about cultivating consumer relationships.
The Panel has a remit to represent the interests of the many different consumers of legal services, including small businesses and charities.
Our experience suggests that nonlawyer ownership (provided it is properly regulated) is more likely to benefit consumers of legal services than not — it is more likely to make justice more accessible and affordable.
He acknowledges, «I can see [attorneys] not wanting to do that, particularly with individuals who are not regular consumers of legal services, because the incentive [for the one - time client] is to not give the remaining money.»
We are constantly working to understand how lawyers and consumers of legal services use technology and legal services and bring that knowledge to every project we design.
Trends are showing consumers of legal services are starting to look for fixed or capped fee structures, are wanting more value at a lower price, and are not necessarily looking to traditional legal resources for legal services, they're going to innovative professional service firms that offer a wider range of options.
We expect that as folks get used to a simpler way to «make it legal, ™» they will become lifetime consumers of legal services that they otherwise wouldn't be able to access or afford.
We've created a website filled with detailed information about the law, our court system, types of cases and injuries, and your legal rights which will help you become an educated consumer of legal services.
As social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook become increasingly important for law firm marketing, the more static nature of a traditional law firm website is changing how consumers of legal services (both professionals and individuals) interact with a law firm, according to the article.
Use of data is being demanded by smart consumers of legal services — don't tell me what you think, but what you should know based on the data in your hands.
In conjunction with this role, he assisted in carrying out a brief survey of Access to Justice efforts and the extent to which they include the voice of actual consumers of legal services in responding to the difficulties of accessing justice in Canada.
Acritas measures the feedback and preferences of our clients and other key consumers of legal services in Canada and around the world.
Richard also has been pressing for liberalization of the regulation of the legal profession, especially in unauthorized practice of law and nonlawyer investment in law firms, as means to better serve middle - class consumers of legal services.
LODA's Mission: The Legal Open Data Alliance is a global community of attorneys, technologists, entrepreneurs, scholars, designers, engineers, policymakers, and corporate leaders, united to develop and promote sustainable standards and best practices relating to the ethical and secure collection, exchange, storage, and analysis of legal data in order to better serve consumers of legal services and their attorneys.
Pressure from consumers of legal services (corporations or consumers) who are not going to accept work from unaccountable law firms who are not driven by data and predictions.
I've shared Jonathan Kleiman's AltLegal definition with in - house counsel and corporate consumers of legal services.
Lawyers» rules of professional conduct are primarily — and properly — meant to govern the practice of law and to protect consumers of legal services.
A website for consumers of legal services is to be launched in the autumn by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) as part of a two - year «action plan».
My passion is for bar associations to become the go - to, safe, and convenient place for the public to find appropriate, quality legal services, including simple, straightforward, and trustworthy guidance about whether and why to hire a lawyer and how to be a confident consumer of legal services.
Maybe the bigger trend here is that clients are getting some power back and that will force lawyers to shape up and honestly that would be pretty disruptive if the average consumer of legal services has the same sort of clout as the average Fortune 500 company when it comes to choosing a lawyer, that would be pretty huge.
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