Sentences with phrase «consumer waste»

This required coordination with the back of the house, where staff were also trained on portion control and tracking of pre and post consumer waste.
Packaging is known to protect food from transit through consumption, preserve food for a longer shelf life and enable single - serving meals that reduce consumer waste.
As I said above, trends really are a big reason as to why we as consumers waste so much.
The reusable nature of the cup of course cuts daily consumer waste of single - use cups, leaves no plastic after - taste and is dishwasher safe.
(2) Confusion over the meaning of date labels is estimated to account for 20 percent of consumer waste of safe, edible food, leading to approximately $ 29,000,000,000 of wasted consumer spending each year.
One percent of annual sales is donated to Green Corps, and the company uses only post consumer waste paper and eco-inks for all printed materials.
In an attempt to cut down on consumer waste, one toilet paper manufacturer has unveiled perhaps the biggest change the product has undergone in over a century — replacing that old cardboard tube with, well, nothing.
Food product dating is confusing and contributes to consumers wasting food.
US consumers waste nearly a pound of food per person each day, but the exact amount of food we trash differs by how healthy your diet is, a new national study finds.
The Green Police are out to crack down on every kind of consumer waste from shoppers using single use plastic bags at the supermarket to police drinking out of Styrofoam cups.
Mysterious human forms and fantastical beasts — such as the 100 metre snake of Africonda — incorporated materials such as cloth, wood, plastic, glass, organic matter and consumer waste combined with an artisanal skill.
Ari Powell describes how this solution has worked for many retail customers seeking a more eco-friendly package with an eye on reducing consumer waste for a smaller carbon footprint.
January marks the peak of returns, accounting for 51 percent of returns, according to Optoro, but many consumers waste little time in returning their unwanted items right after Christmas.
Flexible packaging ultimately results in less consumer waste being sent to landfills, and the industry is working on resource recovery and other end - of - use solutions.
Consumers waste money when they throw out food they don't eat.
You know, I've actually used a bit more paper towels lately, since I buy 100 % post consumer waste ones, and they are now compostable in Louisville....
They found that about 19 percent of rice, wheat and other grain in China is lost or wasted, with consumer waste accounting for the largest portion, 7 percent.
This is all laudable yet unlikely to increase anyone's desire to use more paper, regardless of the amount of post-industrial consumer waste we can stuff into it.
Mysterious human forms and fantastical beasts — such as the 100 metre snake of Africonda (2014)-- incorporate materials such as cloth, wood, plastic, glass, organic matter, and consumer waste intertwined with an artisanal skill.
In the late 1950s, Bruce Connor, one of the first «Funk Artists,» collected finds from modern throwaway culture and with his assemblages made of consumer waste indirectly castigated a society that celebrated consumerism and waged wars instead of fighting for a peaceful life together.
The characteristics that distinguish Scharf's art from work made by his peers — his imagination, creativity in repurposing consumer waste and overall joy — are in full and wild force at this exhibition.
Made of Xanita X-board (more below), which is 97 % post consumer waste paper, the Freefold system
Made of Xanita X-board (more below), which is 97 % post consumer waste paper, the Freefold system can, at the end of its useful life be recycled alongside normal paper recycling.
Conrad and colleagues find US consumers wasted 422g food daily with higher quality diets associated with higher waste.
Ocean debris turning Hawaiian beach «into plastic» Consumer waste from the «Great Pacific Garbage Patch» is turning a Hawaiian beach «into plastic», Tropic of Cancer presenter Simon Reeve has found.
Mysterious human forms and fantastical beasts — such as the 100 metre snake of Africonda — incorporate materials such as cloth, wood, plastic, glass, organic matter and consumer waste combined with an artisanal skill.
Extended lifetimes of more durable devices lead to discussion about cutting back on consumer waste, which then lead to takeback programs and companies taking full responsibility for their products, even at end of life.
Disposable diapers are a significant percentage of consumer waste and, according to reports from the EPA, represent the third most common consumer item in landfills.
In 2010, U.S. retailers and consumers wasted 133 billion pounds of food — nearly a third of the country's food supply — according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
«Food loss and waste happens all along the global pathway to the plate — from how smallholder farmers harvest and get crops to market, to corporate losses across supply chains, all the way to consumer waste.
Here's what we need to do: reduce crop waste, consumer waste and meat consumption; integrate appropriate seed technologies and management practices; engage consumers about the challenges farmers face in both the developed and the developing world; increase public funding for agricultural research and development; and focus on advancing the socioeconomic and environmental aspects of farming that characterize sustainable agriculture.»
An e-cloth and just water greatly reduces the amount of consumer waste that is being produced while you clean.
The hidden benefit is no residues on counters and floors, no pollutants going down the drain, and no consumer waste clogging our landfills.
Her cottons are 100 % organic and certified, her bamboo and hemp that she mixes into the garments are the most sustainable fibers grown on the planet, and she recycles polyester by breaking down post consumer waste.
Well, yes, especially in this world of fast - fashion and consumer waste.
As the Washington Post reports, this finding «defies conventional wisdom about the sorts of foods consumers waste — and represents a major obstacle for environmentalists and anti-food-waste campaigns.»
The claims ranged from using post consumer waste (as in the Sustain Mug by Aladdin) to using classic design forms that would inspire consumers to keep them forever.
In Europe there is a growing interest and use of biomethane (methane = natural gas) from waste, both manure and industrial and consumer waste.
Our boxes are corrugated with an average of 59 % recycled fiber content, of which 44 % is post consumer waste and are 100 % recyclable.
Branding is restricted to the paper sleeves, which are made from 80 % recycled paper (80 % post consumer waste with 20 % eco-pulp from FSC - certified sources), with minimal ink coverage and no foil blocking to ensure they can be readily recycled.
Provenance products are manufactured exclusively from ecological materials: 100 % reclaimed teak (100 % post consumer waste), 100 % recycled glass (100 % post consumer waste), 100 % renewable cork (100 % sustainably harvested).
How dare a consumer waste professionals» time like that!
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