Sentences with phrase «consumers demanded more»

However, as consumers demanded more products and information, we responded.
From oil in Gatorade to the amount of caffeine and other stimulants in energy drinks and the so - called «pink slime» found in beef, previously unnoticed ingredients are coming under scrutiny as health - conscious consumers demand more information about what they eat and drink, and sometimes go public via social networking and the Internet.
With all the scrutiny the food industry has been under with consumers demanding more transparency on the food they consume, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration added to the industry's responsibilities last month by finalizing its menu labeling requirements for food establishments.
Forsman says many consumers demand more transparency from egg producers as to where the eggs come from, how they're produced and their oft - debated health benefits.
Today's generation of convenience store consumer demands more sustenance in easily transportable packaging for the millennials.
The front of the package clearly states what the product does and does not contain, which is on - trend, as consumers demand more real data, in lieu of symbol overload.
SugarCreek named Food Engineering's «Plant of the Year» 2016 April 15, 2016: Our newest, high - tech plant is poised for growth as consumers demand more sophisticated RTE food products.
Consumers demand more power, legislators demand better emissions, and forced induction is the way to make it all happen.
As consumers demand more natural pet products, they will search for flea and tick repellents that include fewer chemicals.
And, as consumers demand more eco-friendly products, perhaps more manufacturers will continue to find more ways to cut unnecessary materials from the things they sell.
Consumers demand more choice, transparency, competition, price predictability, and direct access to providers.
As consumers demand more and more services and are looking at other sources of legal advice, like LegalZoom, the rest of us lawyers are going to have to figure out how to utilize that technology and provide advice (not just drafting a document), but advice on what should be in the document and why it should be in there.
However, future malicious data breaches will facilitate this transition as consumers demand more privacy protections and entrepreneurs look to fill this need.
But with consumers demanding more and more information, and more data being available on consumer behavior than ever before, the use of predictive analytics — being able to accurately show buyers and sellers what their home will be worth in the future, backed up by data science — is the game - changer.

Not exact matches

A new wave of companies are looking to sell consumers more than a storage locker, with event spaces, on - demand delivery services and more
Increased consumer spending will grow the top line of businesses, and increase the need for more workers to meet the higher demand for goods and services... and earning better pay.
But to work, technology needs to simplify omni - channel commerce where consumers demand the ability to shop, book travel and manage their finances in a seamless fashion across their laptop, tablet, phone, watch and more.
Demand is rising too: Goldman says China and other emerging markets are using more oil than analysts had anticipated, while low gas prices are encouraging American consumers to drive more than ever.
Canada, the U.S. and Europe are some of the company's top markets, and the company has faced challenges in many Western markets as demand for the overall beer industry has softened as more consumers turn to wine and spirits.
Demand - siders say, when consumers have more money to spend, they tend to do so — and that helps prop up small businesses, from corner grocery stores to gyms to movie theaters.
Demand by the consumer electronics industry for low cost lithium - ion batteries has made mass production in Asia more economical.
Roper last month said that retailers are being more cautious about their buying for hard seltzer after hard soda suffered from lagging interest from consumers after a big spike in demand when those products first hit shelves.
«Today's consumers increasingly demand more choice, convenience and value in their dining - out experience,» McDonald's CEO Don Thompson said in a statement.
A new touring production and a bestselling cast album have helped sate demand, but the eye - watering prices of the rare Broadway tickets that come up suggest that, in 2016, there are few consumer drivers more potent than FOMO.
When prices collapsed, so did demand because too many consumers were stuck with debts worth more than their assets.
As a result, more consumers are stumbling into the hands of these on - demand companies as opposed to the websites, Yelp profiles or Facebook pages of the actual small business.
The draw for consumers to book directly with these on - demand platforms is not the allure of «finding the right professional», but more so the convenient, Uber - like customer experience.
Qualcomm's behaviour denied consumers and other companies more choice and innovation — and this in a sector with a huge demand and potential for innovative technologies.
While consumers are obvious winners in the on - demand economy, the story for workers is more complex.
«The data we're seeing suggest it may be more a change in shopping behavior than a lack of consumer demand
The biggest demand for commercial loans, as far as U.S. Bank is concerned, is primarily for middle market firms looking for loans of up to $ 1 million or more, and on the lower end for $ 250,000 or less, says John Elmore, vice chairman of consumer banking for U.S. Bank.
More importantly, a sales slide in 2016 would indicate a decline in consumer confidence or a plateau in demand more so than a threat to carmakers, who will be focused on profMore importantly, a sales slide in 2016 would indicate a decline in consumer confidence or a plateau in demand more so than a threat to carmakers, who will be focused on profmore so than a threat to carmakers, who will be focused on profits.
As consumers lifestyles have become more demanding the need for flexible options with low prep and clean up developed.
In 2015, the upheaval was marked by a more conscious consumer who continues to demand transparency into the foods and beverages that the line the grocery store shelves.
«There is a definitive shift toward finding ways to make things more efficient and longer - lasting,» says Panteva, who notes that government programs such as Energy Star are also helping drive consumer demand for eco-friendly products.
As consumers have become more health conscious, the demand for beverages with benefits has been on the rise.
«Chinese companies are still trying to answer the question of «How are we going to satisfy the demands of the growing Chinese middle class when they want more consumer names and products that are coming from the West?»»
That the youngest group should feel more confident again shouldn't be a surprise, because they lack long - term experience in being able to judge consumer demand.
Morrison has been one of the more aggressive CEOs in trying to reshape the company's portfolio in response to changing consumer demand.
The food and beverage industry has faced huge challenges in the U.S., where food trends are being driven by Millennial consumers who experts say demand more flavorful items but are also less loyal to brands than prior generations.
«This is partly a consequence of Under Armour wanting to «own» many different segments of the sports performance category, but in a softer demand environment where consumers are more selective about what they buy, such a lack of focus is harmful,» Riva wrote Tuesday.
The old Whole Foods might have turned up its nose at big makers of consumer - packaged goods, but Amazon could have different ideas — especially because smaller suppliers may not be able to meet its more ambitious demands, said Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. analyst Ali Dibadj.
«Slowing consumer demand combined with a surge in new home completions over the next several quarters will create more balance in the housing market and produce less upward pressure on home prices,» the association says in its release.
Consumers are buying more goods online, pressuring demand for locations that are closely associated with malls and other shopping destinations where restaurants also operate stores.
The Trump administration and members of Congress have demanded that PBMs pass on more of the rebates they receive to consumers outraged over rising costs at the pharmacy counter.
Consumers are more demanding than ever, and they expect your chatbot to work as well as any of your other products.
Companies like Uber, Airbnb, Postmates, and more, have disrupted their respective industries by creating solutions to meet the unstoppable demand from consumers to have what they want, when they want it — and that usually means right now.
The demographics are also changing: more than 400 million millennials have emerged as a driving force in consumer spending, while the country's aging population — expected to double over the next two decades — will generate new product and services demands.
In the Global Allocation Fund, we have increased exposure to quality companies with stable cash flows in more defensive sectors, particularly within healthcare and consumer staples, where demand tends to be more inelastic and may be able to withstand increased market volatility.
Years later, though, the latest controversy is spurring demands for more action from consumer advocates, who say the FTC is partly to blame because it did not penalize the social media giant for other privacy mishaps.
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