Sentences with phrase «consumers dig themselves out of»

These agencies often have expertise and knowledge to work with creditors and help consumers dig themselves out of excessive debt while limiting the damage to their credit histories.

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Researchers said it carries over to debt repayment strategies, where the «small victory» of paying off a card balance can motivate consumers to dig out of debt faster.
The tightened limits — sometimes only in the hundreds of dollars — make it more difficult for subprime consumers to dig out of their credit hole, and even threaten to make their subprime status perpetual.
My husband and I were able to dig out of $ 40K in consumer debt on one military income by learning how to be savvy savers.Every family can be free from the worry of money and become savvy savers for a successful retirement by following these simple financial tips.Credit CredibilityIt's critical for every person to improve their FICO scores.
It wasn't until my wife and I sat down one day and took a hard look at why didn't have any money left over at the end of the month that we truly became motivated to start digging ourselves out of a large amount of consumer debt.
Whoops, looks like consumers dug their foot out of a pothole and stepped into a crater.
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