Sentences with phrase «contact with liquid water»

«In most cases the antifreeze is released via diffusion due to contact with liquid water,» said Rykaczewski, though he and his team are still determining the exact mechanism.

Not exact matches

When hot or boiling foods (including water, infant formula, or other foods and liquids) come in contact with containers made with BPA, then traces of BPA get transferred on to the food.
New gravity readings suggest it hosts a subsurface sea the size of Lake Superior at its south pole — and that this liquid water is in direct contact with the moon's core, which is rich in nutrients.
To go to Enceladus, she added, any lander would need to be very clean as liquid water is in contact with the moon's icy surface, so contamination of the subsurface ocean would be a very real possibility.
Most people don't realize that water is, in many ways, a liquid crystal (you notice this more when water is frozen) and it's also a powerful solvent that quickly integrates itself with what it comes in contact with.
Avoiding plastic in contact with food or liquid is an important step, particularly when food is heated, install a water filter and store water in glass bottles, minimise your intake of canned foods as many contain bisphenol A in the white resin lining, use natural and organic cosmetics and personal care products, avoid air freshener and instead make your home smell sweet with pure essential oils.
But I won't suggest wearing it during summer cause this isn't water resistant, so you might want to take extra care of it and make sure it doesn't get any contact with liquids.
Should your eReader accidentally come into contact with other liquids, simply wash it off with tap water and let it dry for 48 hours.
At no time does ANYTHING in that continuous thermal chain experience an increase in Temperature, over what it was, before the liquid water was brought into thermal contact with the conductive chain.
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