Sentences with phrase «contact with water»

The seeds expand and become like a gel as they get in contact with water in your stomach, making you feel full for hours.
This sense is located at the tip of the tongue, the part that comes into contact with water during drinking.
Normally, proteins fold because some amino acids do everything they can to avoid contact with the water - based fluid in the cell.
Because the coffee grounds are in direct contact with the water, all the coffee oils remain in the liquid, making it a stronger beverage.
These two studies were used to calculate rates of mild or moderate illness caused by contact with water during recreation.
Upon contact with the water, the eggs released by the females immediately hatch.
If your dog is completely healthy, they won't get sick from contact with water.
What type if paint do you recommend for a bathroom, knowing it would come in contact with water somewhat.
Human contact with water that has elevated levels of bacteria creates a higher risk of contracting illnesses such as stomach flu, ear infections, upper respiratory infections and skin rashes.
When it comes to something like a faucet that's in contact with water constantly, materials matter.
Some birds have not been conditioned to accept bathing and resist contact with water despite the fact that daily showers would be a part of their natural grooming activity in the wild.
The base and bonnet can't be in contact with water since they have electronics.
Avoid contact with water and store in a dry area.
Public alerts are issued to ensure all water users are aware of problems and to inform them to avoid direct contact with the water.
Others are infected by contact with water or soil contaminated with infected urine.
What type if paint do you recommend for a bathroom, knowing it would come in contact with water somewhat.
In theory, the CO2 dissolves through diffusion, which takes place when the gas comes into contact with the water surface.
The greatest barrier to harmonisation for water fittings manufacturers throughout Europe are the national requirements for the testing of metallic and non-metallic materials used in contact with water for human consumption.
But if the new contenders are to make a commercial impact, researchers will need to learn how to make larger perovskite solar cells and tightly seal them to keep them from degrading on contact with water.
When a graft covered in the microneedles is inserted into the skin and makes contact with the water in natural tissues, the polyacrylic acid in the tips swells up, providing that mechanical lock with minimal pain and risk of infection.
As Pure Glow suggests waiting 5 - 7 hours before contact with any water, I waited to shower the following day.
Their mucosal surfaces — their skin, digestive tract and gills — are in constant contact with water, including any pathogens that that water may contain.
Also, avoid long contact with water, especailly hot water, as in long showers.
The CDC says most of the salmonella, which can cause diarrhea, fever, vomiting and abdominal cramps, was spread to people who came into contact with water used by the frogs.
It doesn't seem like the light comes into much contact with the water,
Water - resistant sunscreen labels will need to state how long the product will remain on the skin after contact with water.
The Westchester County Department of Health is advising people who use the Hudson River waters for recreational purposes, namely swimmers, boaters, kayakers and windsurfers to avoid direct contact with the water until further notice along the Westchester shoreline.
Either answer suggests that the rock has been in substantial contact with water, for instance allowing minerals to dissolve, and explaining the salty ice grains we see coming out of the surface.»
Once these polymers, which are 200 nanometers across, come into contact with water inside the body or on the skin, they would self assemble into a new polymer structure designed to target bacteria - infected cells and lyse (disintegrate) their cell membranes and walls.
By creating nanometre - thick arrays of metal - organic frameworks, Zhao's team was able to expose the pores and increase the surface area for electrical contact with the water.
The National Environmental and Epidemiological Assessment of Recreational Water, or NEEAR, and the Chicago Health, Environmental Exposure, and Recreation Study, or CHEERS, estimated non-outbreak or sporadic waterborne illnesses caused by contact with water during recreational activities.
The key ingredient is gas hydrate, a substance that forms when hydrocarbon gases like methane and ethane come into contact with water at the right temperature and pressure.
«Those who come into contact with water above that E. coli threshold are more likely to contract a gastrointestinal illness,» she explained.
Glucomannan upon coming in contact with water increases in size, which enlarges the stomach, therefore telling your brain that you are stomach is full.
The viruses spread when an infected cat sneezes or coughs and your cat inhales the infected air droplets, or when your cat comes in contact with a water bowl, blanket, toy, litter box or other objects that contains the saliva of an infected cat.
Both types of gravel are coated to prevent the gravel from coming into physical contact with the water and creating a chemical reaction between the minerals in the substrate and the water.
Ensuring you are trimming your surfboard correctly, that the most amount of surface area is in contact with the water allowing the board to plane efficiently simply takes some small adjustments each time you jump on your surfboard.
Glacier ice melts by contact with water vapour not warm air.
That said, you will probably feel like taking a watch like this off before any kind of contact with water happens anyway, regardless of the fact that nothing would go wrong with it.
Balm - like texture changes to an oil cleanser upon contact with water to remove thick makeup without irritating or dehydrating skin.
Also known as the Jesus Christ Lizard, for obvious reasons, slow motion photography has shown that it rears up on its hind legs and moves its legs in a free wheeling manner so quickly, that its feet are not in contact with the water surface long enough to break its surface tension.
An inset sink with a built - in drainer will help protect the time from contact with water.
Turn your shower into a spa by adding 5 --- 10 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata on a warm, damp washcloth and placing it just out of direct contact with the water before showering.
To lighten the dough as much as possible, raising agents which fizz with tiny bubbles on contact with water (like baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar) are often included in gluten - free bread recipes to lighten the dough as much as possible.
I like that it turns white after it makes contact with water
By circulating warm air in an enclosed chamber, Calesca eliminates the risk of contamination through contact with water.
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