Sentences with phrase «contain liquid electrolytes»

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Many fruits and vegetables containing electrolytes also add liquid to your system.
Ruben - Simon Kühnel and David Reber, researchers from Empa's Materials for Energy Conversion Laboratory, have now discovered a way to potentially solve the problem: The saline electrolyte has to be liquid but so concentrated as not to contain any «surplus» water.
Liquid electrolytes from EnduroPacks contain zero sugar or sweeteners, and zero additives, so its easy on your stomach.
Note that most multivitamins do contain some of the electrolytes you need, though they aren't always comprehensive and will take much longer to be digested than regular food or ideally, liquid you hold in your mouth for 30 seconds for quick absorption.
Your veterinarian will address dehydration first with intravenous liquids that contain replacement electrolytes.
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