Sentences with phrase «contain magical powers»

All fresh fruits and vegetables contain magical powers when it comes to achieving shiny hair, clear skin, and strong nails.
This doesn't mean that the food contains magical powers that can cure a disease, rather that the properties are healthy when added to a balanced diet.
The notebook contains magical powers; and acts as your in - game menu where you can find quests, inventory, and your collection of stickers.

Not exact matches

There's also Part II, several bonuses, including Part ll, The Magical Power of Headlines, which contains 7 chapters that summarize lessons David learned during his career as one of America's leading direct marketing copywriters.
Record Of Agarest War: Item Pack 7: Academics - And - Sports Kit (free) Contains [Magic Blade], which increases both magical power and physical damage; [Partisan] and [Battle Frame], which dramatically increase physical damage; and [Shiny Fang], which is used for combining items.
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