Sentences with phrase «contain precise information»

• It must contain precise information of what you can do for the prospective firm.
A cover letter is a highly professional yet personalized document that should contain precise information to develop the interest of the employer in reading your enclosed resume.
A resume for a Preschool Teaching job is a short document which contains precise information about your education, teaching skills, and experiences.

Not exact matches

Now we know the precise page that contains the piece of information we need.
In mammals, the functional demands made on the auditory system require extremely precise and rapid neural processing of acoustic information, and it contains a strikingly high proportion of myelinated axons.
«That all of this precise, detailed information is contained deep within teeth,» continued Schwartz, «even teeth from our long - extinct fossil relatives, is simply remarkable.»
«This particular FRB is the first detected to date to contain detailed information about the cosmic web — regarded as the fabric of the Universe — but it is also unique because its travel path can be reconstructed to a precise line of sight and back to an area of space about a billion light years away that contains only a small number of possible home galaxies.»
SSPs should generally not contain information that would typically be outcomes of such models, such as the precise mix of technologies used in the energy sector, specific emissions or land use outcomes, climate change and its implications for agriculture.
[Response: I'm a little unclear myself as to the precise relationship between the «AFGL tapes» referred to in Goody and Yung, and the Hitran database itself, other than that they seem to contain similar information organized in a similar way.
Here's what to leave off your resume to make sure it contains the precise balance of information to boost your job search efforts and land you the job you want:
Apart from its design and unique format, you also need to ensure that its content contains all needed information — as much as possible, make it precise and direct to the point.
Your cover letter should be precise and should not contain any fake information.
There are certain rules for drafting the cover letter i.e. the cover letter should be short and precise, it should contain correct and relevant information, it should have a professional outlook and there should be a particular sequence for drafting a cover letter.
This should be short and precise and contain all the vital information which can fit the job description for curator well.
These contain precise and detailed information for creating a great resume.
Fight Less, Love More contains brilliant and precise advice; the underlying implication being that healthy, loving couples are sane and smart — a sentiment that shines through on every page of clear, sensible information.
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