Sentences with phrase «contained classified material»

In light of the recent investigation of Hillary Clinton and her aides in regards to E-mails sent via her personal E-mail that contained classified material, I am wondering if the state department has the power to deny the President of the United States security clearance?
Of those 81 email chains, containing classified material at the time they were sent, 8 were TOP SECRET, 37 SECRET, and 36 CONFIDENTIAL.

Not exact matches

That the material had to be classified after the fact is immaterial; it contained information that by doctrine should have been properly controlled and segregated from the general service information system.
It was indefensible for her to continue claiming there wasn't classified material on the email server, after a preponderance of emails had to be classified because of the material they contained.
9781419631306 1419631306 In Mother Teresa's House - A Hospice Nurse in the Slums of Calcutta, Rosemary Dew 9780415484374 0415484375 The Routledge Handbook Loot adult classifieds contain material that is only suitable for persons 18 years of age and over.
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