Sentences with phrase «contained much oxygen»

This must have happened before the atmosphere contained much oxygen, because once the gas formed a primitive ozone layer, very intense light no longer reached Earth's surface.
The amount of oxygen in a galaxy is determined primarily by three factors: how much oxygen comes from large stars that end their lives violently in supernova explosions — a ubiquitous phenomenon in the early Universe, when the rate of stellar births was dramatically higher than the rate in the Universe today; how much of that oxygen gets ejected from the galaxy by so - called «super winds,» which propel oxygen and other interstellar gases out of galaxies at hundreds of thousands of miles per hour; and how much pristine gas enters the galaxy from the intergalactic medium, which doesn't contain much oxygen.

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Similar islands of material in the early universe could have held as much water vapor as we find in our galaxy today, despite containing a thousand times less oxygen.
The production of methane is accelerated because stationary pools of water contain much less oxygen than a flowing river interacting with the atmosphere and microbes thrive in low - oxygen environments.
A molecule containing three oxygen atoms, computer models suggest that ozone on Venus is formed when sunlight breaks up carbon dioxide molecules and releases oxygen atoms, which are swept around to the planet's nightside by winds where they can then combine to form unstable, three - atom ozone molecules, as well as much more stable, two - atom molecules essential for animals.
The results quantify the nature of gas molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, and sulfur in the earliest atmosphere, but they shed no light on the much later rise of free oxygen in the air.
Animals require oxygen to extract energy from food, but too much of the chemical creates peril, as certain oxygen - containing compounds wreak molecular havoc.
The body contains nitric oxide at moderate levels, this is frequently not sufficient to encourage the much extraordinary workouts that need oxygen supplies; it's, therefore, important that NO2 - Max tries to support the nitric oxide levels.
Boric acid contains Boron, Oxygen and Hydrogen while Borax (also known as sodium borate, or sodium tetraborate) contains two Sodium (Na) molecules which we really don't need as there is already too much sodium in our diet and sodium contributes to high blood pressure.
If the pond contains fish, there can never be too much oxygen.
Kelley's work resonates much more comprehensibly as a gesamtkunstwerk, a totality of rather astonishing consistency ranging from his earliest bird house sculptures and performance artifacts of the late 1970s, still a graduate student at CalArts, to the terrifying beauty of the Kandors, small city models of the birthplace of Superman contained within glass bell jars attached by hoses to tanks of oxygen.
Raypierre makes the case very clear in the current Chicago Int» l Law J. that closed system combustion with oxygen can avoid much of the externalization of costs built into current plants; I imagine it can even contain the uranium and thorium fallout from coal (which is worse than that from a properly operated fission plant).
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