Sentences with phrase «contained traces of blood»

The poor canine had not eaten for five days and was extremely weak and listless, and his waste contained traces of blood.
Nasal discharge is categorized by the color and contents: For example, is it clear or cloudy, does it contain traces of blood etc..

Not exact matches

Honey also contains a wide array of trace minerals that help to maintain blood sugar balance and lessen the effect of the naturally occurring sugars in honey, making it a great whole food, natural sweetener.
When the air contained trace amounts of acetone, the blood flow through their large middle cerebral artery was significantly slowed.
Oats also help to stabilize blood sugar, they contain tons of manganese which is a really important trace mineral which keeps your bones and skin healthy and if you eat 1 cup of oats then you've already reached your daily B1 recommendation, which rocks!
If you are a true celiac (diagnosed by way of a small intestine biopsy, not just a blood antibody test), consuming items that contain even traces gluten can cause a multitude of serious and lasting health problems.
They are more or less a «condensed» blood sample, so if you had that piece of hair whilst you were smoking then it will contain traces of THC metabolite.
In this mixture we add ground Sun Dried Ogo from Hawaii, a reef Algae Seaweed that contains high amounts of trace minerals and active blood building compounds..
Though gray water is less dangerous than black water, it could still contain traces of fecal matter, blood, or other contaminants.
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