Sentences with phrase «contained zinc fingers»

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The zinc finger region, whose structure was discovered by Nobel laureate Aaron Klug, is a finger - shaped structure containing a zinc atom.
The fusion protein bound optimally to a sequence containing adjacent homeodomain (TAATTA) and zinc finger (NGGGNG) subsites.
They gave the mice a single injection into the brain, containing virus particles packed with DNA instructions making the zinc finger drug.
Both teams» zinc finger drugs did the job of reducing the activity of genes containing long CAG stretches.
(17) Arabidopsis contains three additional members of the zinc finger family, all predicted to be targeted to organelles.
My research has been about PR Domain Containing 9 (PRDM9), a multiple zinc finger protein that mediates the process of meiotic homologous recombination.
It contains a KRAB motif, a histone H3 Lysine -4-methyltransferase domain, and several zinc fingers that likely mediate sequence - specific binding to DNA.
The gene product (PHF11) contains two PHD zinc fingers and probably regulates transcription.
The octopus genome contains around 1,800 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factors, the second largest gene family so far discovered in animals (olfactory receptor genes in elephants are the largest at around 2,000).
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