Sentences with phrase «containing small quantities»

Once we have established the cause of the reaction, we will provide treatment using a specialized serum containing small quantities of these allergens that are specially formulated for your pet.
Although faster - spreading lithosphere contains smaller quantities of this rock, our analysis suggests the amount of H2 produced there might still be large,» Worman said.
Even giving your rabbit small amounts of «safer» white chocolate, which contains smaller quantities of theobromine, can result in gastrointestinal motility problems and obesity.
Vaccines contain small quantities of altered or «killed» viruses, bacteria or other disease - causing organisms.
Studies of the common mineral goethite (α - FeOOH) have shown that it contains small quantities of a carbonate component (Fe (CO3) OH), the concentration and carbon isotope content of which preserves a record of ambient PCo2at the time of formation4 — 7.

Not exact matches

Every field is carefully fenced in with paling formed of the mid-ribs of the palmyra - leaf, or by rows of prickly plants, aloes, cactus, euphorbias, and others; and every one is divided into small beds, each containing a different crop; but the most frequent and valuable crops are the ingredients for the preparation of curry; such as onions and chilies, which are exported to all parts of the coast and carried in large quantities into the interior.
I noticed that you use buckwheat and oats as one of your ingredients but these seem to contain gluten in smaller quantities.
It also contains useful if smaller quantities of zinc and potassium, plus a lot of fibre.
This over processing has been known to reduce many of the benefits of the cocoa bean, so you would need to consume a lot more to get the same affects you could have from smaller quantities of raw cacao and of course would be unlikely to reduce your sugar cravings if it already contains sugar.
The Food Matters Cookbook contains literally hundreds of recipes that contain meat, just in smaller quantities.
The only oil that is derived from a gluten containing source; wheat germ oil is a fatty acid found in very small quantities within the small embryo of the wheat plant.
Angry questions have been asked in the House of Commons on the safety of apple juice, for it can contain very small quantities of patulin, and, as the headlines indicated, patulin is a potential carcinogen.
Because the tiny bots contain such a small quantity and surface area of magnetic material, it takes a relatively strong magnetic field to move them.
The Quintuplet contains a number of smaller but similarly hot, Wolf - Rayet stars that are also throwing off tremendous quantities of mass and ionizing the surrounding gas (Moneti et al, 1998).
Sardines also contain a good amount of selenium and a small quantity of iodine, so they are an overall thyroid - supportive food.
For diners who monitor their blood glucose levels, foods containing high levels of natural starches and sugars usually must be treated warily and eaten in small quantities.
All are sweet and contain sucrose and other sugars in smaller quantities.
They also contain an excellent mix of bacterial strains and species, though in much smaller quantities (Colony Forming Units or CFUs) than most other probiotic supplements.
Additionally, whole wheat contains very high amounts of Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA), which even in small quantities can have profoundly adverse health effects.
However, when I researched each of the ingredients in depth, I found whilst Almonds are great in small quantities (ie as a snack between meals) they also contain high levels of Phytic Acid and this would not be ideal in a soylent style meal.
I am not sure that it's been tested on it's own but from what I gather it would contain all parts of the cocoa bean and in small amounts might be okay as in a few chocolate chips — but not large quantity.
But even foods that contain FODMAPs may be tolerated in small quantities, so again, it depends on the person.
Coconut oil contains MCT's, but only in relatively small quantities.
Fatty acids containing carbon - carbon double bonds (monounsaturated, such as the main ones in olive oil, or polyunsaturated) do produce small quantities of trans fatty acids when heated strongly, but it's in very small amounts (here, here, here, here) The process that really increases the trans fatty acid concentration is partial hydrogenation, an industrial process that's used to raise the melting temperature of polyunsaturated oils.
The product was acid phosphate containing some 16 percent P 2 0 5, to which, in the earlier days were added small quantities of nitrogen carriers, such as guano, slaughterhouse tankage, garbage tankage, fish scrap, and lowanalysis potash salts of foreign origin, to be replaced gradually in subsequent years by the higher grades of nitrogen carriers, ammonium sulfate and sodium nitrate, for years likewise largely of foreign origin, and the more concentrated potash salts.
Though rice does contain small amounts of arsenic (which is poisonous), the dose is so low that it would take extremely large quantities to cause poisoning.
Each vaccination given to your pet contains either small quantities of altered or» killed» viruses, bacteria, or other disease causing organisms.
Antifreeze, Herbicides and Insecticides: Ethylene glycol - containing antifreeze and coolants, even in small quantities, can be fatal to both dogs and cats.
This fruit does not seem to contain any amounts of any substances that would be toxic to bunnies, so it is generally considered safe to give it to them in small quantities.
Antifreeze that contains ethylene glycol has a sweet taste that attracts animals, but is deadly if consumed in even small quantities; one teaspoon can kill a seven - pound cat.
This recipe also contains glucosamine and chondroitin, though in much smaller quantities.
The berries, which contain glucosidic saponins, are mildly toxic to humans in small quantities, but can cause toxicity to varying degrees in pets.
It contains sorbitol, which isn't an ideal choice for cats, but not necessarily dangerous in small quantities.
Chocolate also contains caffeine, but in much smaller quantities.
Very small quantities of chocolate containing very low levels of the cacao bean may produce no ill effects whatsoever.
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