Sentences with phrase «contains grammar mistakes»

Remember, essay, which contains grammar mistakes is low - quality essay that will never be able to claim for some high grade.
Dissertation is a serious academic project, and it is not justifiable to submit the document that contains grammar mistakes.
First, some just say that Ephesians 2:8 contains a grammar mistake or an exception to the rule.

Not exact matches

Each grammar points contains between 2 and 5 different types of exercises to suit your learners» abilities (filling - gaps, choosing the right option, correction the mistakes, writing activity, answering questions or reordering activity) and allow them to work at their own pace.
Proofreading is the last stage of the academic paper writing process and the most crucial one as during this stage you have to make sure that your paper does not contain any style, grammar, punctuation and formatting mistakes.
If your essay is well - written, covers the questions sufficiently, and flows logically, but contains grammar and style mistakes, your grade will not be high.
In such a case, your essay could be badly organized, have a poor content, and contain numerous spelling and grammar mistakes.
You shouldn't worry about the content or the structure of your essay, as they do not contain any grammar or spelling mistakes.
The text on the webpage should not contain any spelling or grammar mistakes as it actually reflects the attitude of the company towards its writing service.
Their experience ensures that all written assignments won't contain any mistakes — spelling, usage, grammar or punctuation.
A poorly crafted letter that fails to clearly articulate why you are the ideal candidate for the role, or one containing bad grammar and spelling mistakes, will result in your application getting dispatched to the reject pile.
After you done with resume writing, you will need to polish everything up, ensuring the document doesn't contain spelling, grammar or format mistakes.
Finally, proofread and edit your best resume 2016 to ensure it contains no grammar and style mistakes.
Also, don't forget to proofread your cover letter to make sure it contains no typos or grammar mistakes.
Don't also miss out the editing portion of your resume, and see to it that it contains no grammar and spelling mistakes.
● Clear and concise and makes a positive impression in less than 30 seconds ● Free from spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes ● Maximum of two pages ● Presents skills and qualifications that match the employer's requirements ● Must contain a list of accomplishments in it
However, you might be surprised at how often these «professional» resumes contain a spelling mistake or a grammar error.
Remember to write a stellar application; it means that you have to make sure that your paper contains no spelling, punctuation or grammar mistake.
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