Sentences with phrase «contaminated well»

Here, the Buyers received a contaminated well, so they clearly received something less than they bargained for.
The court ruled that the Hellers clearly received something less than they bargained for because they received a contaminated well.
In the 1960s, scientists in Taiwan traced an outbreak of blackfoot disease, caused when dying blood cells lead to gangrene, to arsenic - contaminated well water.
At the Tuesday press conference in Washington, NBC News interviewed Young, who Udall noted drank PFOA - contaminated well water when her family lived in the Rensselaer County town of Petersburgh.
Newsday reports the contaminated well is a water supply source for the Suffolk County Water Authority.
Most reported cases have been ascribed to the use of contaminated well water for preparation of infant formula.1 — 3 Fifteen million families in the United States obtain their drinking water from unregulated wells.4 In a survey of 5500 private water supplies from 9 Midwestern states, 13 % of the wells were found to have nitrate concentrations > 10 mg / L or 10 ppm nitrate nitrogen, 5 the federal maximum contaminant level.6 It is estimated that 2 million families drink water from private wells that fail to meet the federal drinking - water standard for nitrate, and 40000 infants younger than 6 months live in homes that have nitrate - contaminated water supplies.4 In urban areas, municipal wastewater - treatment discharges (a source of nutrients) on surrounding farmland aggravate the problem.7
Some board members said it would be unfair to waive the fee for the Park District while residents in neighborhoods with contaminated well water have to pay.
For a century and a half, epidemiology has been an effective strategy for tracing the root causes of infectious disease outbreaks — as John Snow demonstrated in 1854, when he painstakingly mapped cases of cholera in London and eventually traced them to a single contaminated well and water pump in the Soho district of the city.
In Puerto Rico and the USVI, the outages have led to ongoing health and environmental crises as idled sanitation systems have forced some to drink from contaminated wells and other water sources.
As I understand it, the policy at just arsenal is to promote debate and cross pollination of ideas, however those that call themselves AOBs have contaminated the good policy by their obsession with Wenger sacking.
Vermont Attorney General T.J. Donovan appeared at Bennington College to tell local residents with contaminated wells that clean water is a human right.
Fallout from the discovery of the toxic chemical in the water supply of Hoosick Falls later erupted into a war of finger - pointing between local, state and federal agencies after questions emerged in late 2015 about why it took at least 14 months before residents were warned to stop drinking from the village's contaminated wells.
Until the entire citizenry demonstrates that education matters, divergent values will contaminate the best efforts in the classroom.
They alleged that harmful chemicals in the waste material migrated to the wells on their property, thereby contaminating the well water and making it unpalatable for the cows.
Second, Ontario contends that the trial judge erred in law in finding that it breached the standard of care because there was no evidence a reasonable person in the 1960s would have foreseen the risk a deposit of waste material 60 feet away would contaminate the well water and cause harm to animals.

Not exact matches

Fracking is part of the problem, but the report states that most human - induced quakes are caused by the oil and gas industry's use of injection wells to dispose of wastewater - the contaminated liquid that gets pumped out of the well during oil and gas extraction.
The best way to prevent catching the illness is washing your hands with soap and water before eating, after going to the restroom, and after touching a potentially contaminated space.
The civilians in eastern Aleppo — one third of whom are children — are relying on poor quality water from wells which are potentially contaminated by fecal matter and unsafe to drink.
Inmates described cells flooded knee - high with water contaminated by urine and feces, as well as the inability to flush toilets, take showers, or change clothes for two weeks.
In Silt, Colorado, a woman named Laura Amos no longer talks about the adrenal - gland tumor and other health complications she developed after her water was contaminated by a gas well drilled less than 1,000 feet from her home.
Islanders are bathing in rivers contaminated with raw sewage and drinking from condemned wells and hazardous waste sites.
On ships, there was little storage room, and water / drink is heavy, so Rum, meads, brews would keep better than water, and last for months, where water supplies would contaminate during the same time.
The Catholic understands this concept of the solitary conscience very well, provided it is not contaminated by modern individualism which diminishes man's stature and is, indeed, no longer regarded as his permanent inheritance.
The group discovered that the dump contained toxic materials that were contaminating the groundwater of Billerica and the Concord River, as well as creating other threats to human health.
«contaminating an important force for good in the world and turning it into something doing damage.
Those who carry out genocidal violence «believe they are (a) revenging an appalling offense against their entire community [and God as well], (b) expelling the contaminating evil from their midst, and (c) obeying a divine mandate» (Heim, Saved from Sacrifice, 51 - 52).
While picking fruit in the fields, she drank from a well used by Muslim companions, who angrily accused her of contaminating the water.
Mining dries up an average of 100 wells a year and contaminates water in others.
while our bodies can break down glucose (which is what is in brown rice syrup) a lot better than it can fructose, there are many studies that show it is contaminated during production with arsenic (basically, rat poison).
Remove them from the the good ones or they will not contaminate others.
Today, U.S. exports of biotech corn and soybeans, as well as other agriculture products that contain or may have been contaminated with biotech ingredients continue to face a wide array of trade barriers.
Not only do the farms raise pigs in a natural way in open pens, but also the farmers feed them grain they farm themselves, which allows for higher - quality, well - monitored feed free of animal byproducts that might contaminate the pigs.
I think it is better to get the essential fatty acids (EFA's) from plant sources rather than from fish oils, because fish stocks are in danger from over harvesting and can be contaminated with mercury and other toxins.
Moreover, chemicals in cosmetics and skincare that we rinse off can contaminate our water and aquatic ecosystems Conventional cosmetics and skincare products are made to last for a long time as well as withstand various environmental and storage conditions through the use of strong chemicals.
We know this because it is well established that «regular» commercial oats are very likely contaminated with gluten.
Because the preferred way to eat kangaroo meat is rare rather than well cooked, contaminated meat would be less likely to be neutralised.
According to the EWG, white potatoes are one of the «dirty dozen» foods that are most highly contaminated with pesticides — purchasing organic white potatoes is a good choice when possible.
In fact, some very well - known and relatively costly whey protein supplements have been found to be contaminated with dangerous and otherwise unwanted substances.
Contaminated with mediocrity at a club that believes a top 4 finish is good enough!
Dirty Dozen — These are the fruits and veggies that are most commonly contaminated and that you'd be better off buying organic; strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples, peaches, pears, cherries, grapes, celery, tomatoes, sweet bell peppers and potatoes.
Scrupulous and vigilant hand washing is essential, but here is a strain of E. coli bacteria called Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) that is the most common cause of diarrhea in travelers and is typically found in food that is not adequately cooked as well as contaminated water and ice.
This is true for swaddling blankets as well because you don't know how blanket could've been contaminated during the transit and handling.
This means that there is a possibility of contaminating the tubing, as well as the inside of the motor, with milk particles that were sucked with the vacuum.
There are safe options now too to help reduce the risk of Cholera (still present in the Caribbean) as well as a strain of E. coli bacteria called Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) that is the most common cause of diarrhea in travelers and is typically found in food that is not adequately cooked as well as contaminated water and ice.
«You can not replace contaminated water with Coca - Cola or Chocolate Nesquik, or a lack of good meals with a pack of fortified noodles, and still expect children to grow healthily.
If your well has been tested and the report shows that the water is contaminated with high nitrate levels, you must immediately stop feeding it to infants.
«Can a product which requires clean water, good sanitation, adequate family income and a literate parent to follow printed instructions, be properly and safely used in areas where water is contaminated, sewage runs through the streets, poverty is severe and illiteracy is high?»
Most health care providers are not very concerned about sterilizing bottles, unless you use well water or your city is known to have a contaminated water supply, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
Additional testing, which was completed about two weeks ago, should determine if the lead content is occurring naturally in the wells or if it is being contaminated by buckshot.
According to the EWG, spinach is one of the «dirty dozen» foods that is most contaminated with pesticides; purchasing organic spinach is a good idea.
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