Sentences with phrase «contemplation as»

These mornings have been full of self - reflection, moody contemplation as I gather my screens of all sizes and pack them in a bag, work alerts flashing across an array of devices that are all less important than my phone.
The answer seems to be — persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called in question.
Other Side offers space for contemplation as well as conversation — space to engage in dialogue with artworks and with other visitors — regarding what we see, feel, or think when looking at art.
There's no room for cars here, only contemplation as you take in the beguiling photographs and immersive film installation by Irish artist Richard Mosse.
«Sandra is a passionate proponent of contemplation as a gift we can give others,» says curator Steven Matijcio.
Museum visitors are depicted in relation to museum objects, their bodies as much forms for contemplation as the artworks depicted, as in In Order of Appearance IX (2012).
Enter a state of calm contemplation as you attempt to complete each puzzle perfectly.
Choices abound, but there's little time for strategic contemplation as the ambush endures, sending opponents with regenerating health into the bowels of my labyrinthine base.
I revel in cognitive dissonance and I count on my students to propel me to contemplation as much as I propel them.
Arrow Video continues to prove that horror films are as complex, resonant and worthy of respect and contemplation as classics of any other genre.
Wendy mopes around feeling responsible for not getting everyone off of the ride, but has little time for additional contemplation as those that survived the experience seem to be dying in strange ways.
They debate these ideas constantly, and Cahill's screenplay reduces these arguments to such general terms that none of them is as worthy of contemplation as Cahill believes.
Particularly in the Protestant tradition, we have neglected this tradition of cosmic contemplation as a source of renewal.
Scholars and critics have not yet taken the full measure of contemplation as an art that is related to the purpose of all scholarly activity — to see things as they really are.
When it dominates, the understanding of God that is the aim of theological schooling is basically an understanding by way of contemplation as one is empowered for that by loving one's neighbor and God.
It too grew out of the earlier view centering on contemplation as sapientia.
Albert Schweitzer's «deed mysticism» (in contrast to a mysticism which regards contemplation as an end in itself) is an illustration of the needed balance.
For one who is capable of accomplishing something for others is not regarded by the edifying contemplation as in the strictest sense a sufferer.
Wieman was concerned to argue that ideals, especially impossible ideals, however worthy of contemplation as guidelines, must not be identified with supreme value, i.e., God.
This course will lead you through the levels of contemplation, from the basics to the most advanced contemplations as practiced by the ancient sages.

Not exact matches

In contemplation of the Company's initial public offering, the Company has presented unaudited pro forma basic and diluted net loss per share of common stock, which has been calculated assuming the conversion of all series of the Company's convertible preferred stock (using the as - if converted method) into shares of common stock as though the conversion had occurred as of the beginning of the period or the original date of issuance, if later.
It sounds crazy, but I spent three days at St. Bernard Abbey in Cullman, Alabama as part of my «biblical womanhood» project last year, and it was one of the most meaningful times of prayer and contemplation I've ever experienced.
«The statue will also have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation
Faith itself was seen as the contemplation of truths that transcended the powers of reason.
Ideas, thoughts, as well as deeper emotional or «affective» states, are included in this category where the classical writers would place meditation, contemplation, and the various stages of «union with God» about which the mystics have given us reports.
Linder suggests that traditional pleasures, such as eating and contemplation and sex, will be given increasingly little time in the future as consumption time squeezes them out.
And indeed, mysticism — which I would define as practices intended to help connect a person to God through experience, intuition, contemplation, the devotional reading of Scripture, ritual, and prayer — has been a part of the Church from the very beginning.
Next, looking back to the introduction of contemplation in the sport chapter, worship is understood as flowing from a response to the reality that is, and the Mass is seen as fulfilling the human search (evident in the history of religious rites) for the right way to worship.
He saw two main ways of kindling this ardour: one, as expressed eloquently in his Novo Millennio Ineunte, was through that contemplation of the face of Christ which the whole Church engaged in during the Millennium Jubilee.
Without further qualification, the capacities cultivated in theological schooling could just as well be capacities for «doing» contemplation or capacities for specific affections as they could be capacities for intentional bodily action and discursive reasoning.
This is not a form of prayer as introspective contemplation or impersonal assertion.
They keep the five pillars of Islam but emphasize deep philosophical contemplation in prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage as did the Mu «tazilites with whom they agree in considering God far above having any limiting attributes.
The point for us is that for these two 20th century professors — as much as for any mystic wrapped in contemplation in some more remote ashram — the inevitability of death brought one face to face with the question of whether his existence had any point.
But what chance does the Father have to appear as a God of supreme loyalties and divine ideals in the souls of men who give little or no time to the thoughtful contemplation of such eternal realities?
One thinks, for example, of Thomas Merton's books, such as The Seven Storey Mountain (1948), What Is Contemplation?
My choral symphony, to which I've offered up His small soul in gratitude, that it might swell Larger, expanding into this darkness — Until he hangs, a shell as weightless As if he'd gone through the glass, transfigured Into the endless contemplation of my beinas weightless As if he'd gone through the glass, transfigured Into the endless contemplation of my beinAs if he'd gone through the glass, transfigured Into the endless contemplation of my being.
Raniero Cantalamessa depicts the transfiguration as a mystery in the life of Christ» that should lead us into an intellectual and mystical contemplation of his person and work.
Eckhart says that Mary is the one who's still learning, whereas Martha is the one who has learned perfectly because she combines contemplation and action — though Eckhart doesn't use those words — in an unselfish, detached way She can now operate as the soul «without a why» and be effective spontaneously without losing that contact with God.
It occurred to me that if (as Cornel West and others have argued) it was the Enlightenment that created the category of race (dividing «white» from «black» and subordinating the latter to the former), it was also the Enlightenment that repressed the epistemological and religious significance of contemplation in the mystical theology of premodern writers.
There are other signs of double thread being lived out through organizations such as the Center for Action and Contemplation and Socially Concerned Contemplatives.
The great motive was love of neighbor and this was found to be in a certain tension with the love of God, since the latter prompted a servant of the Lord to shun worldly duties as well as distractions and to give his life to adoration and contemplation in monastic seclusion.
Such an awareness is impossible if and so long as the other is for me the detached object of my contemplation or observation, for he will not thus yield his wholeness and its centre.
He treats it as a means for his sustenance or as an object for his contemplation.
The hope of glory yet to come remains as a background of thought, but the foreground is more and more occupied by the contemplation of all the riches of divine grace enjoyed here and now by those who are in Christ Jesus.
Of course, I include the nembutsu and contemplation of the mandala as meditational practices.
As we enter into our deepest self through meditation, self purification and in contemplation we meet the divine in us and others in God.
As something worthy of assiduous analytical attention, computation, and contemplation, propositions are hardly appealing, and least of all enticing.
In India, also, it is true, the holy power was finally conceived as transcending all sensory forms, but there it was recognized that the contemplation of Brahman in this ultimate way could only be the fruit of intense psychic discipline accompanied by highly abstruse metaphysical reflection.
No longer was there a higher kind of life as there had been for the ancients, a life devoted either to theoretical contemplation or to participation in the public activities of a citizen.
«The Word... offers itself to contemplation, as visual theology, in the form of the icon.
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