Sentences with phrase «contemplative living»

Her despair at nature's moral indifference is the consequence of her contemplative living.
Tyranowski, possibly because he was supporting his mother, became intent on living the contemplative life in the lay state.
Annie Dillard, in her classic Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, writes: Thomas Merton wrote, «There is always a temptation to diddle around in the contemplative life, making itsy - bitsy statues.»
A fellow historian reminded me that «the tradition has always reserved the contemplative life, and contemplation itself, for the very few.»
This story is not meant to exalt the contemplative life above the life of action, but to indicate the proper way to serve Jesus; one serves him by listening to his word rather than providing excessively for his needs.
His purpose — as even, the somewhat fragmentary Asian Journal makes clear — was to enhance the contemplative life of his own tradition.
As if to redress singlehandedly the real and perceived neglect of women's contributions to the Catholic Church, McNamara gives us an exhaustively researched, comprehensively presented, and splendidly written history, from clandestine Roman days to the present, of the women who were consecrated to the lay apostolate or the contemplative life.
The contemplative life is one of love, beginning with self - donation to God and overflowing into self - donation to those around you.
the willingness to suffer is essential to the contemplative life.
The contemplative life, in which the hidden life of oneness with the divine becomes more and more central, may well begin in an experience of pain.
Second, Dillard experiences her contemplative life very much as a late 20th century person, heir to the demythologizing that characterizes our time and culture.
Spiritual reading is like plant food to the seedling of contemplative life, boosting its chances of developing in to a robust plant that will bear fruit.
Yet at the same time he rigorously maintained the contemplative life.
Bass wrote an essay recently that I consider required reading for anyone who cares about the contemplative life, immersed as we are in this impatient, shortcut addictive culture.
If there's a single word that identifies the contemplative life, it is congruence — congruence between ends and means, congruence between what we do and the way we do it.
Gerard Manley Hopkins's sonnet «As kingfishers catch fire» is as fine an evocation of the contemplative life as any I know.
Talking at length about the contemplative life under American conditions seems just absurd.
While he decided that he would be of greatest service to his country as a secular priest, Sarah never lost his attraction to contemplative life.
«In the novel, Siddhartha, a young man, leaves his family for a contemplative life, then, restless, discards it for one of the flesh.
Quote Of The Day Of all animals, he alone attains to the contemplative life.
That same year, he and his wife left New York City for a more contemplative life upstate.
In 1972, my wife, fellow artist Bunny Tobias and I moved to Santa Fe and founded our studios on a mountain ranch near the Pecos Wilderness where we have lived a contemplative life close to nature in a rural setting where it is easy to explore the vast space of landscape.
Quote Of The Day Of all animals, he alone attains to the contemplative life.

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The story of Mary and Martha was used as the basis for thinking about the pace of our lives, whether we're naturally more commuters or contemplatives and what pace God might be calling us to.
Avoiding the latter would require a profound rehabilitation of a contemplative order of thought and life and a certain primacy of contemplation over action, which are all but unintelligible within our pragmatic culture.
It records a wide variety of life experiences — the happy and the difficult — from her youth and Hollywood years to her service to the world as a Benedictine contemplative.
Their surroundings are idyllic, their lives contemplative, their needs simple.
There are other signs of double thread being lived out through organizations such as the Center for Action and Contemplation and Socially Concerned Contemplatives.
This book helped me put legs and feet and arms and a voice to the stirrings towards social justice, intentional community, contemplative practices, and activism in my own life.
Indeed, in the Greek conception of things, this was the goal of soul life: to escape the created world of space and time in order to abide in its proper state of contemplative perfection.
A Generous Orthodoxy: Why I am a missional, evangelical, post / protestant, liberal / conservative, mystical / poetic, biblical, charismatic / contemplative,... anabaptist / anglican, metho (emergentYS) by Brian McLaren — Brian McLaren has, obviously, been influential in my life through his work and writings.
11 The Pope suggests that in Christ it is now possible reach a maturity whereby one's interior life is fully attuned to the prompting of the Spirit.12 St John of the Cross, meanwhile, in the Ascent of Mount Carmel teaches us a specific path by which we might attain this inner mastery through self - denial and contemplative prayer.
Contemplative Provocations: Brief, Concentrated Observations on Aspects of a Life with God by fr.
His time, his focused sense of vocation, his vision of his central task, his mental life, and his contemplative acreage — they are all under the chopper.
In this interfusion of suffering throughout Dillard's contemplative writing, we find a paradigm of the mystic life in our time.
With the help of several monks who moved to Byzantium with him, however, he was able to maintain his monastic disciplines, holding together the balance between the contemplative and active life.
Usurping the contemplative basis of a truly fruitful spiritual life and becoming that which we turn to in all our needs.
One idea is that the elves represent something of the contemplative, withdrawn as they are from the world, living peacefully in hidden places like Rivendell, whose ambiance is described by the author with the love and awe of a person who has experienced the depth of retreat - like stillness.
The religious vocation of priest or monk or nun was viewed as having a higher spiritual sanctity than ordinary labor, the contemplative being ranked above the active life.
How far the renewed interest of some Christians in the mystical and contemplative traditions is indebted to Hinduism it is hard to say, but Western Christians can still be helped to discover a deeper dimension to life by encounter with the authentic spiritual teaching and practice of Hinduism.
Even the contemplative is responsible for the civilization in which he or she lives.
I use the word contemplative with considerable apprehension, fearing that you will associate it with the kind of living that's done best in monasteries or in mountain retreats or in desert caves.
The contemplative's love, compassion and understanding awaken in the harlot deep longings for that which is life - giving.
Perhaps the rigors of medieval life made it necessary to have a division of labor: most people just struggled to survive, while the «religious,» freed from the duties connected with the day - to - day life of parish churches, held the contemplative fort.
Using impersonal ways and means will never bring about any congruence between the text and our lives and, of course, nothing remotely contemplative.
This was the day that the word contemplative entered my vocabulary giving shape to the way I wanted to live my life.
Life is contemplative when the means become congruent with the ends.
Some of the most powerful female voices in Christian history — Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisiex — found their inspiration in the quietness of the monastic life and the stillness of contemplative prayer.
AND And teaches us to say yes And allows us to be both - and And keeps us from either - or And teaches us to be patient and long suffering And is willing to wait for insight and integration And keeps us from dualistic thinking And does not divide the field of the moment And helps us to live in the always imperfect now And keeps us inclusive and compassionate toward everything And demands that our contemplation become action And insists that our action is also contemplative And heals our racism, our sexism, heterosexism, and our classism And keeps us from the false choice of liberal or conservative And allows us to critique both sides of things And allows us to enjoy both sides of things And is far beyond any one nation or political party And helps us face and accept our own dark side And allows us to ask for forgiveness and to apologize And is the mystery of paradox in all things And is the way of mercy And makes daily, practical love possible And does not trust love if it is not also justice And does not trust justice if it is not also love And is far beyond my religion versus your religion And allows us to be both distinct and yet united And is the very Mystery of Trinity
Wasting your life is not a good thing, but it's being used in a different way: to describe a life given to contemplative prayer.
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