Sentences with phrase «contentious divorce»

A "contentious divorce" refers to a situation where a married couple is in disagreement and argues a lot while trying to end their marriage legally. Full definition
I spend a lot of time negotiating settlements in contentious divorce cases.
If you work with families going through contentious divorce this is an excellent resource.
It asks the ministry to invite civil society to submit ideas that lead to a reduction of contentious divorces by 50 %.
This often occurs in contentious divorce cases and child custody disputes.
In a highly contentious divorce, parental alienation is a common occurrence.
The average divorce cost varies considerably depending on the type of divorce, how contentious the divorce is and whether you use options such as mediation or collaborative divorce.
In a more traditional and more contentious divorce, a family's financial and other personal information can become available to the public, potentially creating embarrassment.
Parents divorcing collaboratively are better able to protect their children from the damaging effects of a highly contentious divorce and preserve more of their mutual respect for each other as parents.
The parties had been involved in contentious divorce proceedings since February 2008.
My parents» contentious divorce when I was young also impacted my future relationships.
The Pensacola prenuptial agreement lawyers at our firm know how to draft prenuptial agreements that stand the test of time, thereby paving the way for less contentious divorce proceedings.
David was my attorney in a very contentious divorce that took place over a 2 year period.
The motion askes the ministry to invite civil society to submit ideas that lead to a reduction of contentious divorces by 50 %.
The decision to write a prenup in the first place is a personal decision, and I'm not going to tell you that you should write a prenup just so you can make sure you keep Fluffy after the potential contentious divorce.
If you are in a highly contentious divorce court battle, and you are absolutely sick of the way it has been proceeding, but you do not want to lose all of the work that your litigation lawyer has done, consider a litigation freeze.
In particularly contentious divorces, the judge may order a custody evaluation in which an evaluator will typically ascertain your child's feelings and pass that information on to the court, usually in a written report or through testimony.
Depending on how contentious your divorce is, you can ask the court for pendente lite relief — an order pending your final divorce decree — after you file your answer and counterclaim.
Lawyer negotiates $ 50,000 lump sum alimony payment to Wife despite claim of adultery during marriage in contentious divorce case.
Brian thinks outside the box, developing creative ways around problems and setting his clients on the path to less contentious divorces.
Even if they are simply a high - conflict personality and are preparing to embark upon a very contentious divorce and custody proceeding, spend the money to read and understand what Bill Eddy has to offer with this book.
In highly contentious divorce cases, particularly where one of the parents has ties to another jurisdiction, be it within Canada or internationally, the odds that abduction will take place increase significantly.
Throughout the years, Mr. Spodek has successfully represented his clients in custody, visitation, and support proceedings in Family Court as well as with pre-nuptial, post-nuptial, and highly contentious divorces in Supreme Court.
Life is full of awful surprises like hers — just ask anyone who has survived a contentious divorce, the loss of a job or a major illness or accident.
But now, having daughter, Bryn, 4, and the fact that she's still recovering from her contentious divorce battle with Hoppy, she says, «The decisions I make affect other people... some things about my personal life will remain private.»
As you go through your contentious divorce, it is always best to keep the needs of the children in the front of your mind.
Although a contentious divorce is difficult to go through, you have to take a step back and try to be reasonable when it comes to your children.
These include «the death of a family member, a serious illness or injury, a contentious divorce, a natural disaster, or an act of terrorism».
It is, however, often brought up in contentious divorce or custody proceedings and can influence custody arraignments between parents.
The drama would continue in a contentious divorce proceeding: Hanover got Nathan barred from Gracie Mansion.
What if Mr. Smith, who tries to get on a plane with his loaded gun, is going through a contentious divorce and is going to visit his estranged wife?
Is Sandra Bullock ready to date again after her contentious divorce from Jesse James?
Heard, who went through a contentious divorce from actor Johnny Depp in 2016, also weighed in on the #MeToo movement, saying it's up against a «longstanding status quo of powerful men silencing women.»
However, in August 2016, the couple settled their contentious divorce and Heard withdrew her allegations.
He of course wants the higher tax break to benefit his bottom line - this is a contentious divorce - he is difficult to negotiate with.
The man on screen was apparently going through a contentious divorce, and was tearing his hair out while trashing a living room, screaming (according to the subtitles), «I'm going to lose everything!
Attorney Winner has represented clients in contentious divorce, child custody, child support, fathers» rights, alimony / maintenance issues, relocation issues, and out of state issues.
If you are involved in a contentious divorce, you may be able to resolve your issues out of court, but if not, you need to have a qualified and experienced trial lawyer representing you.
No matter how complex or contentious your divorce or child custody matter, he will handle it efficiently and economically.
It does tend to be less expensive than your hotly - contentious divorces.
Whether you are facing a contentious divorce or a bitter Legal Decision Making battle, our lawyers have the skills and expertise to fight for a resolution that will be in your best interests - and the best interests of your family.
Your lawyer may come out of the contentious divorce with a new car, but you will likely come out of it with a beat - up heart and a lighter wallet.
Spouses or partners in a contentious divorce or child custody battle have used false spousal abuse and child abuse charges as a basis for a restraining or protection order against the other party.
Husband asserted that such a holding would require parties to remain celibate during years of litigation in a contentious divorce.
Whether you are struggling with a contentious divorce, trying to come up with an estate plan, or are facing serious criminal charges, our team at Teiger Law Center, P.C., can help you take meaningful steps toward reaching a solution.
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