Sentences with phrase «contents of the pan»

Transfer contents of pan to slow cooker.
Gently pour the eggs over the entire contents of the pan, making sure to fill all the nooks and crannies.
Immediately pour the contents of the pan through the sieve.
Spoon the contents of the pan to a 20 cm pie tin (or oven proof frying pan)-- you're going to be baking the eggs in this.
Carefully pour the contents of the pan into a blender and blend until desired consistency is reached.
Bring the contents of the pan to the boil and simmer for 4 - 5 mins, stirring from time to time.
Peel the garlic and transfer the contents of the pan, including any juices that the tomatillos have released, to the blender along with the cilantro and salt and blend as directed above.
Place the contents of the pan in a blender with cilantro and 1/4 cup of water.
Add the contents of the pan to a blender with cilantro and 1/4 cup of water.
So I threw the entire contents of the pan into the trash and then tried again.
From this point you can do two different things: you can put the contents of the pan into a blender or food processor with the rest of the gravy ingredients (1 1/2 C. Light Coconut Milk, Nooch, and Liquid Aminos) and pulse a few times for a smoother consistency; OR just add the rest of the ingredients to the pan for a chunkier gravy.
3 Pour in enough of the simmering stock to cover the contents of the pan and let simmer gently over medium to low heat, stirring frequently, until liquid is absorbed.
Allow to cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes, moving the contents of pan around every now and then.
Pour contents of the pan over remaining bread crumbs.
In a large bowl, mix the contents of the pan with the rice.
Pour the contents of the pan into your blender.
Beat the eggs together, then pour them over the contents of the pan.
Add this to the pumpkin seeds with all the other ingredients, including the contents of the pan (and not forgetting the lemon zest).
When the butter is very hot, but not boiling, add a squeeze of lemon juice, then pour the contents of the pan over the cauliflower.
Pour the contents of the pan over the jackfruit and mix until thoroughly incorporated and well seasoned.
Place the contents of this pan in a blender and blend until smooth.
Transfer the contents of the pan to a food processor and pulse the cauliflower mixture until it is creamy but thick, similar to the consistency of mashed potatoes.
Keeping a close eye on it, cook until reduced and syrupy, swishing the contents of the pan regularly to avoid sticking.

Not exact matches

Some of the pre-release speculation about the memo's contents, like the notion that it would have embarrassing information about Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, clearly didn't pan out.
Use the spoon to stir a whirlpool in the pan with lots of momentum, take the spoon out, crack the egg and with a swift and gentle movement empty its contents over the centre of the whirlpool do nt drop it in from a great height!
Remove the contents of the frying pan to a bowl.
Pour the contents of the frying pan - oil and spices - over the dal and then put the lid back on for a few minutes to trap the aromas.
Pour the contents of the blender back in the pan on a medium heat, and add 200 ml water, and stir well.
Pour the contents of the pot into the prepared pan and spread evenly.
Empty the contents of the food processor out into the parchment lined spring form pan.
Then I mixed the rest of the ingredients together, and poured this in the hot pan, stirring its contents all the time.
Deglaze the pan by adding the wine, making sure to scrape the brown bits on the bottom of the pan; reduce until all the liquid has evaporated and the contents have taken on a rich chestnut color, 15 to 20 minutes.
PRESSURE OR CONVECTION STEAMER: Place contents of # 10 can in half steamtable pan, cover tightly.
Pour contents into a 8 x 12 ″, or similarly sized, pan / Carefully place in a secure, level spot in the freezer / Freeze for 1 — 2 hours / Remove from freezer and scrape, smash and stir mixture with a fork, breaking into small icey bits / Return to the freezer and repeat this process three more times, every 30 minutes / Granita should be done at this point, coarse bits of ice, about like a snow cone / Place granita in container, cover and freeze until ready to use.
Transfer half of the contents in pan to a blender / food processor.
The experimentally determined angle at which you flick your wrist to achieve the perfect toss of the contents in the pan.
Please excuse me while I sit here and drool over the contents of this entire pan.
As soon as it starts boiling, turn it down to a low simmer and add 1 cup of the coconut milk and the contents of the tea bag (cut the bag open and empty it into the pan... if it's not finely milled, you should quickly mill it in a blender or spice grinder).
Scrape the contents of the roasting pan into the jar of a blender or food processor, including any liquid in the pan.
Line a 9x9 baking pan with parchment, then dump the contents of the bowl into the pan.
Both the email (POP, IMAP, Exchange) and Gmail clients are dual - paned, listing the contents of your inbox on the left third and displaying the current message on the right.
Users will also be able to read print replica textbooks that include rich formatting with support for notes and highlights, zoom and pan, and linked table of contents.
The litter pans are kept in a kennel to help contain stray litter, so the contents of the kennel can be dumped into the dumpster, which is in front of the cat pen.
The controls are well mapped having translated appropriately from the Vita to the DualShock 4 controller with the control scheme consisting of pressing triangle to produce the contents of your inventory; pressing square to examine an inventory item, a character or part of the surrounding environment; pressing X to start or continue a conversation with a nearby character, select an item, use an item or walk; pressing O to cancel the selection or usage of an item; changing the direction of the left analogue stick to move the cursor; changing the direction of the right analogue stick to pan the camera to the left or right; pressing left, right, up or down on the d - pad or alternatively changing the direction of the left analogue stick to navigate through the inventory items; pressing the share button takes you to the share feature menu; and pressing the options button to display the pause menu including immediate access to the main menu, hints, character gallery and saving.
They banter with Baldock's large pink baby walker, an oven filled with anthropomorphic pots and pans, a washing machine spewing out its contents and a toy basket filled with the decapitated heads and masks of Punch and Judy characters.
In fact, research has shown that pan evaporation can decrease because surrounding evaporation increases, making the pan evaporation more an effect of atmospheric water budgets and contents than irradiance.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises parents to always keep children away from fireplaces or heated grills and to place lids over pans whose contents have caught fire.
Cropping up in more and more homes, induction cooking uses a power coil to produce a high - frequency electromagnetic field that heats only the contents of a magnetic pan, leaving the surrounding surface cooler to the touch.
Organise drawers with dividers Deep drawers are perfect for stowing away plenty of pots, pans and tableware, but the contents inside can often get a bit out of control.
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