Sentences with phrase «context matters»

In the recent paper, she set out to explore just how context matters when school principals are faced with decisions.
A series of different life experiences lead me to the realize how much context matters.
History and context matter greatly in these current legal proceedings.
If you're a school principal, how does context matter when you're facing a difficult problem?
Certainly local context matters, but when the same instructional techniques appear to be effective in a variety of places, educators should take note.
First, professional context matters: teaching practice can not be divorced from the teaching environment.
Nobody need to deep details, but such context matter.
As a former prosecutor, I learned in the courtroom that context matters greatly.
Biological and social contexts matter for reproductive strategies in most species, this is certainly no less true for humans (yes, even male humans).
David Berliner and Gene Glass tell why contexts matter in the social sciences.
Nevertheless, if we compare the failures in New Orleans with the successes in the Netherlands, one lesson stands out: social context matters more than technological prowess.
Why Context Matters: the Material Conditions of Caring in Zambia.
Political context matters a great deal, of course, and the Bali backdrop last week is important to consider.
That means context matters, and bike share systems are building exciting partnerships that tie into the fabric of a community.
«In directing stem cells, study shows context matters
Lin et al. [17] performed saturation mutagenesis at position 197 and came to differing results in regards to having a tyrosine at this position when cumulatively combined with mNeptune's other mutations which suggests context matters.
She wanted to understand not only how principals» social networks mattered, but also how cognitive context mattered — how they thought about or framed their problems.
In short, the takeaway from the charter literature seems to be that they are, on average, more effective than traditional public schools in urban settings and perhaps should be encouraged there, but that authorizers and policy contexts matter tremendously in determining whether these schools succeed or not.
When it comes to green, whether a new or old or historic, context matters most.Benfield raised a number of points that I think are important among his» six neighborhood factors that affect the environmental performance of buildings, including historic ones.
When determining whether to take action, for example, Twitter says context matters and that it looks at factors like if the behavior is directed at a person, group or protected category of people, whether the content is a topic of «legitimate public interest» and if the person has a history of violating Twitter's policies.
Temporal context matters, and evolutionary psychologists were the first to point this out.
Childhood Neglect, Internalizing Symptoms and Adolescent Substance Use: Does the Neighborhood Context Matter?.
Protective and risk factors in health - enhancing behavior among adolescents in China and the United States: Does social context matter?
But again, here's where context matters: Maryland also significantly expanded the number of ELL and special education students it tested this year.
How context matters in high - need schools: The effects of teachers» working conditions on their professional satisfaction and their students» achievement.
«If we're not thinking about how much context matters, and how to change context, we're losing most of the leverage that we have to actually get people to behave differently.»
While Austin Walker and Ian Williams's letter series for Paste is formally about Funk of Titans, it's really about the use and purpose of «blaxploitation» content in games, and why context matters.
Context matters for evangelism, and they worry that a figure who has made such controversial remarks won't be a good fit to share the Good News with the more progressive people of Vancouver.
How context matters in high - need schools: The effects of teachers» working conditions on their professional satisfaction and their students
But context matters.
The captions and context matter in this case because Facebook does allow such images in some cases where they are condemned, or shared as news or in a medical setting.
One caveat is that context matters; deviant strategies don't always travel well.
Context matters, especially history.
Context matters.
Context matters, but it's only one dimension of the new data and metrics - driven approaches to digital marketing that are changing the game and increasingly distancing the winners from the also - rans.
Context matters a lot more than link building.
But as always, context matters.
They're NOT the same thing, context matters.
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