Sentences with phrase «context of actual action»

So your article was completely missing both historical and current context of actual action.

Not exact matches

These types of numbers work best as more of a context than an actual catalyst to take serious action.
(This strange word is used here to convey the idea that our decisions must be enacted to become actual, and also to avoid looking at actions as isolated acts, apart from the whole context of deciding which produces them.)
While it is fun to see Deadpool back in action, with some context for what's going on, this trailer also goes out of its way to delve into the actual story.
As it is the broader form of legal professional privilege and also covers communications with third parties, such as experts, litigation privilege is the preferable form of privilege to assert in the context of internal investigation, provided there is actual or contemplated litigation or regulatory action.
For an article that criticizes using the Laffey Matrix in the class action context versus the actual billing rates of attorneys in the relevant community, see W.B. Rubenstein, Reasonable Rates: Time To Reload The (Laffey) Matrix, CLASS ACTION ATTORNEY FEE DIGEST 47 - 51 (Feb. action context versus the actual billing rates of attorneys in the relevant community, see W.B. Rubenstein, Reasonable Rates: Time To Reload The (Laffey) Matrix, CLASS ACTION ATTORNEY FEE DIGEST 47 - 51 (Feb. ACTION ATTORNEY FEE DIGEST 47 - 51 (Feb. 2008).
They must be written in the Context, Challenge, Action, Results (CCAR) format, which means that ECQs are not just overall recitations of a candidate's capabilities, but must include actual examples derived from previous work or volunteer background.
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