Sentences with phrase «context of global warming»

In the current context of global warming it is important to assess the impacts that changes in ocean and climate may have on Antarctica, and reconstructing past climate fluctuations provides vital information on the responses and possible feedback mechanisms within the climate system.
The mushroom cloud statement sure looks overblown these days by any reasonable standard when you put the e-mail messages in the broader context of global warming research, to my mind.
We just posted the final part of a three - pronged look at efforts to understand 1) past climate and environmental conditions, 2) today's weather patterns in the context of global warming and 3) how scientists are trying to clarify where the climate system might head in coming decades and centuries:
Please read Derry's piece below, and Ingraffea's, and see if they clarify your thinking on natural gas and other energy options in the context of global warming:
I'm not going to write about this in the context of global warming.
To close things out, here's the promised deeper dive on flood and rainfall trends in the state in the context of global warming.
Updated, 2:09 p.m. I spent a couple of hours this morning discussing the Northern Hemisphere cold snap in the context of global warming on CBC radio shows across Canada.
Postscript, 12:31 p.m. An email from a reader on the need for rigor in assessing extreme heat in the context of global warming prompted me to revisit a relevant 2010 post: «Hot Weather in a Warming Climate.»
In the introduction to an interview segment with me on mischaracterizations of Arctic weather whiplash in the context of global warming, David Gray of the CBC in Calgary gave the phrase «po - l - a-r-r-r vor - r - tex - x-x» a great ironic echo treatment here.
[Update, Jan. 12, 10:33 a.m. For a helpful dose of clarity, read Tom Henry's fine Toledo Blade article clarifying what's known and unknown about such cold outbreaks in the context of global warming.]
In the context of global warming, this means that rising temperatures increase the odds of extreme events occurring.
You asked: Why does it matter in the context of global warming policy if computer models can not definitively explain the distant past?
In the context of global warming, native wisdom and knowledge will be required to adapt to the changing environment.
Multifarious anchovy and sardine regimes in the Humboldt Current System during the last 150 years The Humboldt Current System (HCS) has the highest production of forage fish in the world, although it is highly variable and the future of the primary component, anchovy, is uncertain in the context of global warming.
In the context of global warming it's worth noting that in Greek myth Cassandra was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, but when she failed to return his love Apollo put a curse on her so that no one would believe her prophesies.
We asked friends of DeSmogBlog to write a letter to their great, great grandchildren about their vision and hopes for their world in 100 years, in the context of global warming.
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