Sentences with phrase «context where»

There's nothing wrong with talking about your problems, as long as you do so in a context where your partner feels loved and admired.
«This is a serious public health concern, particularly in the context where a growing proportion of the population has experienced parental divorce,» Fuller - Thomson said.
Advice: In a context where parental conflicts are all - pervading, it is certainly difficult to maintain strong bonds with children while they are torn between their two parents, even as their greatest desire is to be with both and please them equally.
The right to health, indeed economic, social and cultural rights overall, also include guidelines as to how states are to ensure rights — like to health — are respected in a context where, historically, they have not been.
Instead, sibling conflict appears to create a context where age - appropriate issues of individuation and differentiation are played out.
That creates the context where you can focus on your healing, wellness, and personal growth.»
Well, it doesn't make any sense to send someone to a website to view your resume if it's a context where you could just as easily attach it to your email (or whatever).
But again, you should always take into account the context where this term is used because it will define its meaning.
In the context where the global adoption of cryptocurrency payments is the new norm, it means that cryptocurrencies have to compete with current debit / credit card standards.
It was within the motion judge's discretion to take into account the circumstances regarding the background to the debt, particularly in the context where other creditors would not be affected by the order being sought.
In a context where legal services remain inaccessible to many Ontarians because of the limited availability of affordable or free legal advice and representation services, support from a trusted intermediary in accessing PLEI and determining how to take action can offer important help.
This is in a context where there are few individual speakers.
Arguments about the impact on the legal profession will get nowhere — not in a context where unemployed teachers, police officers and librarians will be roaming the streets begging for a crust.
Instead, she spoke extensively on the importance of the independence of the judiciary, especially in a global context where the rule of law is being undermined and judges are losing their independence, being constrained, or not having their orders enforced,
There are limits on how a SSN can be transmitted, but one context where it is allowed is: (b)(1) The collection, release, or use of an individual's Social Security number as required by State or federal law; (2) The inclusion of an individual's Social Security number in an...
Notably, one of quasi-criminal context where this is done, courts - martial, while historically often faulted for its high conviction rates, frequently mets out quite lenient sentences for the offenses of conviction at the sentencing phase.
Third, the ultimate failure of the Rechtwijzer was in version 2.0's inability to obtain more than around 1 per cent of the users going through the system in a context where it was under pressure not only to balance its books but develop a significant revenue stream for two of the members of the supporting consortium.
«The most common understanding of e-discovery is that we're parties to a dispute, usually in civil litigation, but this is applicable in any litigation context where parties have an obligation to turn over records to the other side,» she says.
This is particularly so in an editorial context where loose, figurative or hyperbolic language is used (Brown, vol.
Great innovation, therefore, takes a lot of time to develop, especially in a context where incentives to innovate seem quite remote for successful lawyers who actually have the capital to try their hand in such a venture.
In addition to a personal background in business as an employer before being called to the bar, John's knowledge of media and information law is often called upon in an employment context where he has considerable experience in matters where reputation and employment matters merge.
He wrote that any new pipeline would be useless and un-fillable within the current context where countries are making international commitments and oil prices are not likely to increase to where the tar sands industry needs them to be.
Unfortunately, this case does not engage in an interpretation of section 40 (1)(ee) of the FOIP Act, the provision allowing disclosure to avert the risk of harm to minors or of an imminent danger to any persons, which could be relied upon by public bodies in the social housing context where there are risks posed to health or safety due to domestic violence.
These cases, often presenting multi-million dollar risk, can create exposure beyond policy limits or, in the commercial context where insurance might not apply, create the possibility of a significant financial setback for a client.
In a context where we work for a lot of foreign companies and foreign persons, we thougt international exposure will be good for our development.
This rule was revisited in an employment context where as a result of a release entered into by the employer and the employee the third party insurance company was excluded from liability.
This risks causing legal confusion in a context where clarity is needed.»
My experience comes from the criminal law context where this is quite common.
Reinstatement is actually very common in the union context where human rights issues are grieved and arbitrated.
This is a context where you need to lawyer up.
(p. 128) He touches on the work of a number of philosophers focusing on what he calls a «post-Cartesian juncture» (p. 32) and explores the difficult task of uncovering meaning in a contemporary context where «signifiers may refer to other signifiers ad infinitum with no necessary correlation to a signified.»
Much has been written about the potential dangers of opinion evidence contaminating the fact finding process, and this commentary generally emerges in the civil litigation or criminal law context where the issues are typically narrow and findings of fact often relate only to a single individual.
The behaviour occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance between the pupil and the individual based on factors such as size, strength, age, intelligence, peer group power, economic status, social status, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, family circumstances, gender, race, disability or the receipt of special education
Sam Glover: I suppose for a little bit more context, there's this 80 % that always gets thrown around when we talk about legal aid, and it often gets used in context where it doesn't belong, but when we're talking about legal aid, I think it's LSC that has done this study a few times now, and basically it keeps coming out around that 80 % number, which is 80 % of the people who qualify for legal aid and apply for it get turned away because of lack of resources to serve them.
Second — in a context where technicalities can be ambiguous, subjective, or erratic — it's vital to understand your company's goals and its industry in which you compete when you're navigating such uncertainty.
This distinction becomes especially important in the land use context where board members often question experts in the form of hypotheticals, inquiring as to whether alternative configurations of the site plan or building layout could function on the site.
The former mechanistic rule makes sense in its context and makes the status quo clear and the events that constitute a change in the rule clear, while the latter consequence oriented definition makes sense in the completely different context where it is used.
It uses techniques that may be justified in marketing (or political campaigning) where it should be understood that there is no requirement for objectivity in a context where they are inappropriate.
In a context where i only say: UAH Ocean data matches SST's well, the deviation from CSST to any of the SST you might chose is totaly neglible for the point and the useulness.
You're operating out of an enlarged context when you have this additional information — and an enlarged context where many might not even consider that there IS a context — after all, isn't it «just news?»
Might be good in a downtown context where transit congestion is a big issue.
Our own house was constructed in a context where it coexisted happily with the outdoors — just barely — similarly to many homes in immediate vertical proximity to water.
Énergie du Granit will finally see the results of its participation since the financial benefits could be used for the development of our rural communities, in a context where municipalities need more than ever to diversify their income.»
And this, mind you, in a context where «science» can speculate (with large error bars) what the tradeoffs might be, but has nothing whatever to teach about which tradeoff to choose, that being a fairly arbitrary value - judgment.
However they put it into the context where a bunch of naive idealist will latch onto it without questions.
What's wrong with the paper is that they do not not discuss properly the mechanisms in the atmospheric context where pressure is one independent variable.
In a context where the province's traditional industries such as pulp and paper, metal refining and even the automobile sector were losing their wings, the Liberal government of the day wanted to convert the province to renewable energy.
A reasonable approach even if it means having surpluses for several years, says Pierre - Olivier Pineau, particularly in a context where the objective is to have an electricity sector that no longer emits greenhouse gases.
Of course, it occurs in a context where the Trump administration is going backwards on policy, so it will be a very important counterpoint to the Trump initiatives, to show that from a very American, Californian, can - do perspective that America is still moving forward and still playing a positive role in the world on this issue.
The decisions must be made with: (1) a recognition of ambiguity and, (2) an acknowledgement that unless policies are, essentially, to be dictated by either extreme climate change or a lack of climate change over an extended period of time (so as to make any concerns about significant climate change invalid)-- affirmative policies must be made in a context where oppositional points of view are accommodated.
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