Sentences with phrase «continual struggle»

Since the Israelites didn't follow through completely there would be continual struggles for the Israelites in obtaining and maintaining the prominsed land because there were some of these other peoples that remained to fight another day.
It pains me to take Red Dalton over Big Ben ever, but with a line that low and the Steelers continual struggles, I have the Bengals covering.
It must embrace commitment, by which I mean sustained investments in something outside oneself, to relationships and causes that transcend us, extend us, challenge us, and require continual struggle to balance and manage.
Even being in business for 10 years on the internet, there is always a continual struggle to keep our keywords ranking in the search engines.
One of the continual struggles for content marketers is maintaining relevance.
In God, His Word, His Son, His Spirit, His people... etc Now, I am well aware of the continual struggle between flesh and Spirit even within my self.
The poor tend to be politically weak because their continual struggle for survival is not conducive to sustained organization and mobilization.
As a perfectionist and perpetual over-doer (read: taking on too much) balance is not something I find easily in my life and by writing this I'm not claiming to have figured it out; because finding balance is a continual struggle for me; day - by - day, minute - by - minute.
Mr Robb said that the protection of the vulnerable was welcome, but cautioned: «These measures address those in urgent, dire need, and not the millions of people who already face a continual struggle to find and keep a decent, affordable home.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's second year in office was dominated by a series of bruising political fights and a continual struggle to control the perception of crime, homelessness and the city's quality of life.
De Blasio's second year in office was dominated by a series of bruising political fights and a continual struggle to control the perception of crime, homelessness and the city's quality of life.
Despite being a happy and confident person, I for one have had a continual struggle with this.
Lelio's script explores the continual struggle of an LGBT partner's right in both the hospital and after death.
«There is, however, a continual struggle to get teachers to see that technology use will not make their days more stressful; that in many ways, it will make their jobs easier,» Wagner noted.
But it at least suggests that we may have less to fear from school choice than from the continual struggle to establish one educational «faith» through the vehicle of the common school.
In 1991, with sci - fi writer Pat Murphy, she created the James Tiptree Jr Memorial Award which, to quote Fowler, «is presented annually to a short story or novel that explores or expands our understanding of gender... both to honor Alice Sheldon [the science fiction author who used the pen name James Tiptree] and to remind the field of its own importance in the continual struggle to re-imagine more livable sexual roles for ourselves.»
In his reflective stance, and position facing Vessel, the activist and scholar is enacting a meditative consideration of «double consciousness» — his theory that African Americans constitute a double sense of self, and their continual struggle to reconcile the two cultures that compose their identity.
So should we be pessimistic at the continual struggle, or encouraged that some progress is being made?
A continual struggle.
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