Sentences with phrase «continued climate change»

Under continued climate change the world's net agricultural productivity is likely to decrease.
There's no question that the costs imposed by continuing climate change will be enormous.
When it comes to preventing continued climate change natural gas is simply no solution — despite industry and government enthusiasm for it.
At the same time, the world is virtually guaranteed to experience continued climate change impacts during the next few decades due to the greenhouse gases that were previously emitted.
Meanwhile, the new study suggests the effect will intensify in the future with continued climate change, based on computer models that attempt to project how rising temperatures would affect the Arctic's chemical reservoirs.
The Washington Post has continued its climate change hysteria with a report claiming that polar bears upset by climate change are more likely to attack and eat human beings.
Remember that Nature Climate Change publication from August that tried to forecast biodiversity loss under continued climate change over the next 7 decades?
Some of Gov. Jerry Brown's would - be successors would continue his climate change fight and others would drop it.
This new study could give environmentalists and forestry officials a glimpse of how woodlands may behave in the future, given continuing climate change.
The clock now shows 3 minutes before midnight because the «probability of global catastrophe is very high» as a result of continuing climate change and efforts to modernize nuclear weapons stockpiles.
These impacts are expected to grow with continued climate change — the higher the levels of heat trapping gas emissions, the greater the impacts.
«This happens to be an example that, as a record - breaking El Niño on top of continued ocean warming related to climate change, I do think is an appropriate case study and a very important case study for understanding the long - term evolution of reefs under continued climate change,» Cobb said.
«Greenpeace prioritizes safety above all else — rappelling from a bridge is a walk in the park compared to the risks that we'll face if we continue the climate change trajectory we're on now.»
The fact that this paper helps dispel confusion about the onslaught of continuing climate change and should help dispel complacency about doing anything about it.
In addition to its continuing climate change denial, Heartland has started to campaign against the production of green renewable energy.
The threat of continued climate change is so urgent, more than 170 world leaders have signed the Paris climate agreement to dramatically cut their greenhouse gas emissions in the future and transition towards a clean energy economy.
Similarly, while the USGCRP report notes that continuing climate change will cause various thresholds to be crossed, leading to large changes in ecosystems, Michaels and Cato respond again by saying that ecosystems will change with or without human - induced climate change.
Moderator: Arthur in Pennsylvania asks — Munich Re, the world's largest reinsurance company and second - largest insurance company, argues that, «Continued climate change will almost inevitably yield increasingly extreme natural events and large catastrophic losses.
Oceans cover more than 70 percent of the Earth's surface, and they play a vital role in determining how the planet responds to continued climate change, including global warming.
The USGCRP report states that «Current and future climate impacts expose more people in more places to public health threats... Almost all of these threats are expected to worsen with continued climate change».
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