Sentences with phrase «continued division»

BOSTON, March 28 - A member of a Harvard University oversight board made a rare public call for the school to divest itself from fossil fuel stocks, a move that shows continuing divisions on the issue as a new president takes over at the institution and its leading $ 37.1 billion endowment.
Christians across the several ecclesial divides increasingly recognize that their divisions are no longer justified, and they know that continuing those divisions enervates the church's mission as a sign of the kingdom.
It was just one of many signs of continuing division between Mr. de Blasio and Mr. Cuomo.
With its two live canaries in spherical cages revolving around a central axis, the new work Circle Division Canary Mobile (Black) even seems to suggest that life itself follows the logic of an endlessly continuing division that both separates and brings into contact.
Or do continuing divisions on the nature of federalism such as the debate between competitive and cooperative federalism make this an unpromising alliance?»
Rod Dreher had an interesting post last week about the continuing division in the Episcopal Church over doctrinal issues.
Following the first leg result, and the continuing divisions in the fanbase, REDaction feel it would not be an efficient use of our resources to spend money and time on activities to motivate the fans at a match which is sure to be played out in a subdued atmosphere, as the struggles on the pitch continue.
We can not and we will not tolerate any continued division or individual power struggles within the Senate Democratic Conference — that will only serve to divert attention away from winning Republican held seats and truly turning the State Senate blue.
«We can not and we will not tolerate any continued division or individual power struggles within the Senate Democratic Conference,» Berman wrote in a statement.
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