Sentences with phrase «continued false attacks»

In the latest advertisement called «Run,» the Faso campaign is highlighting opponent Andrew Heaney's support of President Barack Obama — using Heaney's own words — and his continued false attacks against Faso and his record.

Not exact matches

Despite multiple independent investigations, which demonstrated that allegations against scientists were false, the Heartland Institute continued to attack scientists based on the stolen emails.
Second, low or negative thyroid antibodies can give a false sense of Hashimoto's being «cured» or going into remission when in fact your immune system continues to malfunction and your thyroid gland is being destroyed under the active autoimmune attack.
But scrutiny of the for - profits continues: «The states have opened another line of attack, with at least 24 attorneys general investigating whether for - profit colleges under their jurisdiction have engaged in false advertising, illegal recruiting practices or predatory loan schemes.»
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